
What do I say? Instead of it being dead silence?

by  |  earlier

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I like this guy. He's actually just my friend. I never have anything to say. Whenever we hang out. Or usually he just hangs out with my brothers. It's always like dead silence. Him and my brothers are sitting on the computer talking about stuff and listening to music. While I sit on the couch and stare at the wall. I always seem so boring. Except when I get hyper then I just rant on about random stuff. Well he probably thinks I'm really boring. Because whenever he is here at my house, I NEVER say anything. Just sit on the couch doing nothing. He probably thinks I'm lazy to. Well I kinda like him. And whenever my friends come over they always talk to him and laugh with him. They always hang out with him and he looks like he's having fun. When they are here I talk alot to. Then whenever they leave I am dead silent again and don't say ANYTHING. What can I do to make him think I am not lazy or boring? I am not just gonna say, Hey Whats up? Because whenever I say that he jokes around like, Shut up! Or something. So i need something to do besides sit on the couch and stare at the wall or sit on the computer. I don't want to seem lazy or boring anymore!! Help!




  1. go about with your own business around the house, and drop by now and then and chat up with him :) hes your brother's friend, right? what do you talk about when your friends are over? i know this sounds sooo cliché but talk about something recent, what you like, ask him for his opinion on things and put out your own. you know. . . .  

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