
What do I say and do?

by  |  earlier

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I have known someone since January, and we have been pussyfooting around eachother. He has admitted to 2 friends of mine that he likes me and fancies me. He really does seem to flirt with me but he never does anything about it so I am going to have to. Because he's my mate now, I like him as a person as well as physically so dont want it to be TOO sexual, as I want him to see me as more than that although some hint of sensuality is what I want to convey so he thinks of me in that context a little bit. I am seeing him later this week. What can I say or do? I have never been so nervous in my life but I need to tell him!!




  1. Your first priority in this situation should be that you want his respect so don't do anything that would ruin that ,,,,Regardless of what anyone says it's just not proper form for the girl to take the initiative ,,,,You said in your post that he's already admitted to your friends that he likes you so let him make the first move  ,,,, If it takes a slight or innocent little flirt to motivate him then ok ,,,,  Just don't start sending him signals you don't want him to misinterpret ,,,,  You didn't have to act any certain way to get his attention in the first place so don't think you have to act like anyone other than yourself now ,,,,

    There is no degree to this sexual thing ,,,, Don't get in over your head where this is concerned or you might wind up giving him the wrong impression and it will be no ones fault but your own ,,,, Use your head in this situation ,,,, Don't send signals that he could misinterpret because it doesn't sound like that's what you really want ,,,, He's only going to pick up on the signals you send him so if you don't want him to think of you as ,,,,, well ,,,, S****y then forget about that part of it ,,,,

    Just be yourself ,,,, That's all you had to do to get his attention in the first place so that's all you have to do now ,,,, Keep that in mind and take it from there ,,,,    //    

  2. Hi Little One,

    there is never an easy way to say what is in your heart , so just let your brain take over and go for it, you know already what the answer is.

    Good luck Hun.

  3. if you really like him then you must tell him how you feel he may be nervous too so you need to let him know before its to late then you will always be wondering " what if " good luck  
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