
What do I say if I want to lodge a complaint...?

by  |  earlier

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at a television station? I wanted to call to complain about that new ad they have plastered all over subway stations for that show 'The Tudors' on Showtime. I called and no one answered, so I left a message and my number. I've never done something like that before; what would be a good thing to say to get the message across? All I said was that I wanted to lodge a complaint and then I gave my number. I wasn't sure what else to say.




  1. Register, your opinion as a Feed Back.

    With all the Best.

  2. They may contact you further, however you may want to ring back and further advise them why you were complaining.  

    Some guidelines for you:

    Keep it short, don't rant or they'll think you are a nutter.  Plus they will likely fall about the floor laughing when they play the message back!

    Identify your complaint with the program.

    Tell them why you are complaining about the show.

    Tell them the outcome or the action you will be taking following the lodging of this complaint.

    Example: I am ringing to complain about the poor service I received at your restaurant last night; the food was cold, the cutlery was unclean and when I raised this with the head waiter he was flippant and dismissed my comment.  As a result, i'll not be coming back to your restaurant ever again and will recommend my friends and family that they avoid your restaurant in the future.  Finally I will be writing to the head of the restaurant chain on this matter.

  3. What is your complaint?

    If you don't know what to say, it would indicate you're not sure what your complaint is.

    Don't become one of those idiots that clogs up the phone lines every time you see an inch of flesh on a poster. You'd be having apoplectic fits if you moved to Europe.

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