
What do I say to a guy when he sarcastically remarks that I am hiding my number when I first call him?

by  |  earlier

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I am not comfortable with my number showing when I first call a guy(dating situation). And I know they are not stupid, so they immediately know that I am hiding it. And some unclassy ones (which are most of them I notice) mention it and give me some sarcastic remark or lightly reprimand me or seem to feel hurt with it. Why can't they understand?

What can I politely say to explain without sounding rude or hurting them?

Thanks guys.




  1. If you're dating men who are being ugly and sarcastic over a safety issue, you need to date a better class of men.  Next time one of them makes a snotty comment about your blocked phone number, just remind him, "If I had wanted you to have my phone number, I would have given it to you already."

  2. I would say "well I always take precautions to protect myself until I know someone better" or "well I am a single woman ..a girl can never be too safe" or "I just feel more comfortable doing it until I get to know you better".

    I use to do the same thing...and those are things I would say.

  3. Just don't say anything, they make one small comment, then they'll be done with it.

    I understand from your question

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