
What do I say to her?

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I'm 19 and I've traveled quite a bit for my age, fortunately my parents paid for my trips and I am VERY grateful to them of course. However, after my visiting aunt asked me what countries I'd been to and I told her, my mom gave me a "I can't believe you've been to all of those countries" look and I joked "My parents are jealous i'm so cultured." to which my aunt replied, "You know, John (my cousin, her kid) said 'you know Mom, Savannah just doesn't know how good she's got it." And after my aunt said that to us, she asked me "Savannah, do you think that you're spoiled?" I was caught off guard by this question and kind of just mumbled. But for future reference what should I say to probing questions like that?




  1. First, I think it is good that you feel gratitude toward your parents and I hope that you have shared that with them!  My response to the somewhat rude joke your aunt was making would be to say that I am very fortunate that my parents have given me the opportunity for all these wonderful experiences and I am grateful to them.  Leave it at that...otherwise they can MYOB.

  2. Always take the high road.  Simply say, I consider myself most fortunate.  period, end of conversation.

    Your aunt made a very odd comment. Is it possible that she perceived some of your comments as bragging?  just a thought.

  3. You were kind of set up there. Why else would she ask you about where you've been just so she could ask you if you think you're spoiled (in other words, she does think you're spoiled, and doesn't want to come out and say it).

    There's no right answer to a line of questions like that. Just say you're grateful that you got the opportunities that you did and appreciate that not everyone is so fortunate. Then try to avoid talking to Auntie Judgment.

  4. I would tell her that you are grateful that you have wonderful parents that allow you to travel around the world. Just tell her what you really feel! If you feel like you are kinda spoiled tell her "Yes I think I am spoiled a little bit, but I do know how great I have it." Tell her how grateful and happy and blessed you are to have fantastic parents who let you travel. Good Luck with your aunt! :)

  5. **Just say that you are very grateful and lucky to have been given the opportunities that you've had.  

    Maybe your aunt is jealous of your parents and she wanted to give her own son some of those opportunities but hasn't been able to.**

  6. well say, yes i may be a little bit spoiled but so what my parents have the money to spoil me and i'm not going to turn  down opportunities.

  7. ~~Seriously-that is a rude remark your aunt made to you and sure shows her jealousy. I think "spoiled" means someone who thinks they are entitled to whatever they want, and that doesn't seem to be the case with you. I'd simply say I feel very fortunate to have the experiences and opportunities my parents have given to me, and greatly appreciate the fact they were able to do this for me. I don't feel spoiled I just feel extremely grateful!~~

  8. Maybe you should just say, "I consider myself very lucky to have been able to do the things I've done.  If doing special things is being spoiled, then maybe I am.  I always thought being spoiled had to do with my attitude.  I don't expect to get everything I want.  You should know that I try to be the best I can be for my parents..."  Then, you could tell her all of the things you do to help around the house, and how you get good grades, work/volunteer, whatever...let her in on the responsibilities you have and how you've earned your parents trust and respect and that is why treat you as they do.  What could she possibly say to that?
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