
What do I say to my 10 yrs old daughter has 3rd degree burns on both arms?

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she was in a house fire on 12/26/06 and has the burn scarring on both arms from her hands to her shoulders. She gets ridiculed sometimes by other kids (as I know kids will sometimes do anyways). But, in her case, some words came be very damaging emotionally to her. The scarring is something she will have for a lifetime. She is in counselling. I am just seeking opinions of others ~ wherever I feel it might be helpful for me to help her. thanks in advance.




  1. I agree with the first answer, its like her battle wounds to show that going through such a terrible thing and coming out alive!  While they may not look nice they show how brave and lucky she is.

    Have you looked into plastic sugery?  Or scar treatments?  Or some kind of cover up to make it less obvious?

    Good luck to you both!  Kids and even adults can be so mean!

  2. say her that she's a very lucky girl couse she survived,and there are many cases like this and kids learn to live with it,at the beginning is difficult  but with time it get's easiest.Last summer when i was to the swimming pool,u won't believe me,but i had seen a girl of about 12 yrs old without face,all her face was burn,it was so painfully to see this little girl, and she lives and has fun.In live everything is possible,and maybe in future ,the medicine progress will do miracles.good luck to u and to your child!

  3. honestly, kids are very mean and she will need to learn to ignore it and focus on the fact that she is alive. I would be going to the school and talking with them. Perhaps they can pull these bullies in for a talk on what happened to your daughter and how horrific it was for her and she needs support, not teasing.

  4. Tell her that everythings going to be okay, but consiling should help her.

  5. It would be a good idea to go to your daughter's class to discuss with the other children exactly what happened.  I'm assuming you have pictures of the house after the fire.  Maybe you could talk to the teacher about putting the pictures on a projector slide show and talk to the kids about the importance of fire safety.  Explain to them that her burns could have been a lot worse and these burns are reminders of how brave she was during the fire.

    You'd be doing two great things.  Helping the other children understand why she has burns.  And you'd be teaching the other children fire safety - how to get out of the house quickly, things never to do during a house fire like going back in for a toy or pet, etc.

  6. Tell her that those are proof that she survived a horrid & terrifying ordeal. Tell her that kids don't know what happened & their only defense is to tease. Kids always are afraid of what they don't know - jokes are a nervous reaction to a serious situation.

    You could set up a program at school with the firefighters & emt's who helped her & with her & explain to everyone what happened & what COULD have happened!

    Make the public aware & the kids will see her up there & realize what she went through was terrible. They may even see her as a "star" so to speak of the town! Fire safety is a big deal in schools, so that could be a huge favor to the school & help her cope as well!

    She will be a strong young woman

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