
What do I say to my aunt who hates the name I have chosen for my child?

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My husband and I are expecting our first child and my aunt asked if we've thought of any names yet. I told her we're still thinking of girls names but we have the boys name picked out already. She kept saying "ewww, you need to pick something else. Thats not a good name". This, coming from a woman who named her son "John" (as plain as it gets)

She keeps bringing it up every time I see her and says "Have you come up with a better name yet? "WE really need to come up with a better name for you" "I hope it's not a boy", etc..

I just think she's being so rude. No, WE (my aunt and I ) aren't coming up with a better name, my husband and I have already chosen the name we want for a boy (Nolan).....How do I respond to her without being rude?




  1. Maybe you could put it to this aunt that your willing to consider alternatives if she is willing to do the same.

    If she changes her sons name from John to Prince or some other silly choice you and her could work on a name for your child.

    Over the years I have also had friends and relatives select names that were not to my liking,  but as its not my choice/baby,  I buttoned my lips.   Aunty so and so should do the same.    

  2. Well this little baby will be your precious bundle.Your you and your husband choose the name that you both like.Explain this to your aunt,and you won't be sounding rude when you tell her.l would not be at all concerned what she really thinks about the name choice.l am sure when she had her own children she would not have taken to kindly to someone telling her that the name she chose was not good enough.......

  3. Nolan is cute and congratz! Just tell your aunt that you've already chosen a name. If she won't back up let her know she's being way too pushy.

  4. Tell her you appreciate her opinion to which everyone has a right but that this is your child and you will be the parents and you like the name and you will stick with that name as it should be left up to the parents to choose their childs name not the aunts...and not many people ever named a child after their aunt.. some people name their child after grandparents or parents.. but never after an aunt.. it's none of her business.  Nolan is a good name. just tell her that in a polite way.. she had her choice to pick her kids names and nobody should have interfered with her choice and you and your partner have the same right.. if it was her child she could make a choice but not as the aunt..or great aunt of the child...

  5. Admit she is correct!!!

  6. ahh yes, this has happened to a lot of my friends.  Say you and your husband have chosen names but you are waiting until the baby is born to tell anyone.  Or say that you are not deciding until you see your child because you want the name to be very personal and you think the right name will come to you when you look at your child's face.  Either way, don't let anyone know the name until your are saying look, here is our son so and so.  People don't express distaste for a name when it has a face, then they will forever be the aunt that made fun of your baby instead of the aunt that didn't like the name you chose.  Ive seen it work, I suggest it.  By the way, I think Nolan is a great name.

  7. I would tell her, well its my child and he can hate me for it later.

    personally I would be like, its my child and I'm naming it what my husband and I want to name it, if you have a problem I'm sorry, but your not really part of this process.

  8. i would tell her that it is your choice to name the child since your the one carrying him/her. and i think nolan is a cute name.

  9. Just make it clear to this interfering aunt that you and your husband have already made your choice and that you and he have agreed to stick with that choice.  If she doesn't like it, that's just too bad.  Naming a child is not a relative-pleasing enterprise after all.

  10. aww that's a cute name. just change the subject or tell her what you are thinking for girls names. (hopefully ones that she'll like)

  11. Don't say anything just ask her to help you come up with a name and everytime she asks then you tell her the name that she picked and when  the day comes to name ur son then you name him Nolan =)

  12. Why are you afraid of being rude?  She's being extremely rude.  It's time for you to be blunt with her.  

    "No, we haven't come up with a different name.  This is the name we like and we're not reconsidering it.  I'm sorry if you don't like it, but its our child not yours."

  13. Its Your Child...Just Tell Her 'Thanks For Your Opinion But I Have My Preferences'...As Simple As That

  14. She is being rude, so you have no reason to bit your tongue.  Tell her, thank you for sharing, but it the future share with someone else.

  15. First, Nolan is a good name.  I like it.

    Second, just tell your aunt to mind her own damned business.  You know how family is, though.  Always sticking their nose in where they think you want it.  Sometimes it's sweet and sometimes you just want to punch them.

  16. It's your child, you can pick whatever name you want.

    Tell her that you appreciate her suggestions but you have already chosen the perfect name.

    That should work.

  17. Your aunt is interfering in your life and she needs to stop doing this.  You and your husband need to tell her this.  Go with that name and never mind what your aunt says.

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