
What do I send to my penpal in Brazil?

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I live in the USA. And I've got a pen pal in Brazil. I've met her before, so shes not a total stranger, but we met on a cruise, and became GREAT friends! I'm sending her some videos I've recorded of my hometown, some photos, candy (What are some candy that they have here, but not in Brazil? I'm sending pop rocks, these fizzy things, razzles, and oreos. Can you think of any chocolate things?) Shes also sending me a package, so I want mine to be just as good. I'll feel awful if mine sucks. I want to send her maybe some clothing? What is good? I don't know... Ideas? Anyone? I'll take whatever ideas you have. I'm desperate!

Thanks, xoxo




  1. Haha. Well I'm Brazilian but I haven't been back there in a couple of years. Most of my friends from there love all kinds of American stuff, though, and even if they have it there in Brazil it may be a *lot* more expensive. Like, my grandma bought all these lotions and sprays from Victoria's Secret to bring back to Brazil. They were on sale and she got five lotions for $20. In Brazil, she sold them off for 60 brazilian reals *each*. My cousin, who's 12, is obsesssssed with Aeropastle and Banana Republic and Guess and all those name brands you find here. So if you really want to give her a nice gift, all of my friends love it when I send them brandname stuff. But those are just my friends... Some people hate brandnames. ;p

    I guess I'd ask her how much she plans to spend on the whole package, just so you two can somewhat match up in the quality of the stuff you're exchanging. Thoughhhh the difference in currency can get a little confusing, haha. :)

    Other than that.... Well, I usually have no money to spend, so when I want to send my friends something I make something really personal. I paint stuff, make cool pop-up cards, or buy postcards from different places I've visited in the US, and lots of little artsy-crafty stuff like that. Sometimes what you make personally can be just as meaningful, if not even more meaningful, than material stuff! So when you make the package, definitely decorate it and make it cool looking. I sent a package in the mail so it was a little hard to wrap with wrapping paper, since it'd all get ripped and ugly anyway.... So I wrapped up the inside of the box, and made everything colorful and threw lots of confetti inside.

  2. What i recommend is if maybe you get little items which represent/ stand for America, so she has a little insight to where you come from whether it be from music to culture the cloths you want to give her could have a USA logo or something for example (if you know her cloths size LOL). Hope that helps a little because you two are from different places.

    PS:my sister also has a penpal but from where you live the USA and she gave my sister her prom pictures with little comments at the back and some American choclates (sorry but british chocoates are better haha). My sister did the same but topped it a little by going over the top lol. Which reminds me dont make it too over the top because what your giving her is good also. xxxx

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