
What do I tell new potential employers as my reason for not having recent managerial references, being fired?

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After working for a company for 24 years, with outstanding sales performance over the years, I was fired within 1.5 years of being eligable for early retirement (with huge retirement benefits). At the time they fired me, I was the number one rep in the entire company for their top product. The reason they gave me was bogus (they made it up and was not verifiable by them). But, there are now challenges for new employement. 1. Do I say I was fired? if I do, and the new company asks why I was fired, the true answer is that the company I worked for, did not want to pay retirement benefits for me (real reason they fired me). I don't want to get into this type of discussion with new employers for obvious reasons. 2. Since I worked for this company for 24 years, all of management is "one", i.e. my most recent manager along with my previous 3 managers (they are all "company" people, and will not jeopardize their own jobs to "go outside the box" and give me the reference I need.




  1. if you have any evidence that what you say is true - you should be contacting your lawyer -

    what they've done (based on your story) is illegal

  2. If as you say you are that good a salesperson than you should have no problem getting hired by any forward sales org.  I feel sure you were fired for the fact that they do not want to pay you the retirement benefits.  I am sure you had a very good relationship with them.  (I am 80 and owned my own retail business for many years).   I would make an appointment with the head person and ask them to explain.  Be sure and take all the necessary proof with you.  If they give you NO satisfaction then, and only then, notify them you are going to the state and federal for assistance.  

    If needed contact your local state rep to see if they can help you.  God Bless.  Let me know if U need more help!!

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