I've been wondering lately what I want to do with my life...it's a subject that keeps me up and can make me start crying lol I don't know why..
but I have NO idea what I want to do with my life...I have soo many things that I am interested in but I don't think I'm really GOOD at any of it...good enough to start a career out of it...
some of the things I like are art, photography, writing, web design, graphic design and of course animals <3
one of my biggest fears is that I won't have enough time to do everything I want to do...for example...I want...more than ANYTHING in the world...to travel....but I'm going to be a senior of high school this year...then after that I have to go to college...so I feel like I won't ever get to travel...and I'm just going to lose all this time..idk...
so I tried to find a job that I could incorporate what I want to do into it...such as a photographer for like national geographic or something...or a travel journalist..but idk..I dont think I could do any of that...
I feel like I'd really wanna do something with animals though..
I ALWAYS wanted to be a vet since I was little..but as I got older I realized that I couldnt stand to have to see any animals die...and to tell the owners they died..annnd I cannot stand to see bloodd....
I'm sorry I'm rambling Im just in a very bad mood over this
and I need some opinions on some careers that sound good for me?
and maybe some advice on how to CALM ME DOWN
okay thank u in advance...I hope someone reads this and responds loll