
What do I with my sister? URGENT!!!!?

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Okay so. I am the oldest of 3 girls. Just this morning while my parents were at work me (the oldest one) and my sister (the middle one) were doing our nails. When I was finished I cleaned up my area and put the nail polish and nail polish remover away. After me, my sister was taking off her nail polish and she spilled some nail polish remover on the NEW table. She didn't clean it up right away and when I went to clean it up the table had been discolored. We called my mom and told her what happened but my sister insists that she didn't do it and I am saying she did so that I wont get in trouble. I know for a fact that she did it and i did not. My mom told my dad and he called us and I told him what happened. He said he doesn't care who did it that we are both in trouble. I know I am going to be the one who gets in trouble and she will not. I always get in trouble for her problems and i don't know what to do! HELP!!!! My mom and dad get home at 6 and i don't know what to do!!! Quickly! Please answer!!!

Thankss. :)




  1. Well, to a degree you are both responsible.  If this were a new table I would never in a million years decided to use chemicals and paints on it.  If you had to, I would have suggested lying down towels over the table before proceeding.

    In any case, what is done is done.  Your parents are upset and so are you.  Instead of placing blame and hoping to get off scott free, I would tell them the whole story.  Sister spilled the polish remover and did not clean it up.  When you saw it and cleaned it, the discoloration already happened.  If it is a painted table, offer to paint the spot, with your sister to try to fix it.  Apologize for not encouraging your sister to use a towel on the table but stress that your sister did the spilling, not you.  

    In the end if they get very upset, just know in the future your sister cannot be trusted with anything that potentially could be messy.  Good luck to you!

  2. Wow, your sister sounds just like mine did 20 years ago! My sister always blamed me for the things she did and yes, I got in trouble! When your parents come home first off be an adult about it, or be as mature as possible! Don't yell to be heard by them.... Tell them the truth and let them know that you had already finished and picked up your mess before you noticed that your sister had spilled some remover!

    Or....if you have a video camera, you could set it up some place where your sister can't see, then press record and lure her into a converstation about the table...if you can do that, you can pretty much bet you won't get in trouble, otherwise good luck!

  3. i've had that experience. what i would do is tell your parents that you know what to do and clean after yourself rather then your sister who doesnt and if they still dont believe you then tell them other examples to prove that it was your sister and not you.i hated that and i bet you do too. so good luck

  4. Tell your sister she has that much time to tell the truth or take a beat down.

    Also try a crayon close to the same color as the rest of the table, or magic marker.You can also call the furniture store and ask if they have any "touch up markers" or if they can get one for you.

    You can make it look like new.

  5. First of all, don't freak out too much. Remain calm. Your parents will be upset when they get home, and rightfully so. (Furniture is expensive!!) But, let them say what they need to. Yell and punish if they need to. Don't try to blame your sister over and over again, because obviously they aren't concerned about who actually spilled the nail polish remover, but that the table now needs to be refinished. For now, while they are upset, simply apologize and say that you two shouldn't have been using nail polish remover on the new table to begin with.

    But then what you should do is this: Wait until they have calmed down. Either late tonight, when your sister is in bed, or tomorrow evening, away from your sister. Sit down and talk to one or both of your parents and VERY calmly explain what happened. Tell them that it's not that you want to get your sister into trouble, but it seems unfair that you should be punished when you tried to fix the situation. Tell them that you made a mistake in using the nail polish remover anywhere near the new table, and let them know that you won't let that happen again. But also let them know that you did what you could to prevent it from happening (did you put a magazine or a towel underneath your hands?) and that you did what you could to prevent any more damage to the table after you noticed the spilled polish remover.

    Again, I have to say that the best way to respond to this situation is to remain calm. Don't point your finger at your sister and keep saying that it's her fault, because your parents aren't going to listen to that right now, so there's no point. Just wait a while until they're calm, and away from your sister, then talk to them. Maybe even try to confront your sister and ask her to please be honest about the situation? Tell her that you will always try to be honest in situations where you were the one who messed up as well. (and keep your word!!!)

    Good luck, my dear. :)

  6. Hopefully your parents will let you both tell your sides of the story.  Being that you are the older one I know that a lot of parents put a lot of responsibility on the oldest.  So start off by apologizing that you did your nails on the new table and not in the bathroom.  After your parents talk to you, tell your sister that you want to talk to her and let her know that it hurts your feelings that she can't stand up and admit that she had done wrong.  Let her know that you understand she doesn't want to get in trouble, but if you do something wrong you have to suffer the consequences otherwise you don't learn from your mistake.  I know it is very hard to sit and have those conversations with your siblings, but one day it could be her getting in trouble for something someone else did.  Also remind her you will be out of the house before her, and who will she will blame then?

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