
What do Italians think about shy people?

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Hi! I am an American and I was wondering what Italians think about people are shy. I can be pretty shy, but now that I am older and in college I am trying to become alittle more outgoing and not afraid like I've always used to be. I am going on a study abroad trip to Perugia, Italy in July and I don't want to make a really bad impression. Italians seem like one of the most warmest and friendliest cultures and I was thinking that maybe by talking and interacting with them, they will make me feel more welcome and become more open. I don't want to seem boring or like I don't want to talk, but then again I don't want to be like many Americans seem, rude and too loud. Does anyone have any advice?

Thank you! Grazie!




  1. hey man, Italians are just like all people all over the world. Every person is different and likes/dislikes different things you cant stereotype the entire country to liking or not-liking shy people

  2. Well, exactly how shy are you?  If you are a little shy but really friendly, you'll probably won't have any problem meeting people.  Plus, if you are good-looking(or at least cute), Italian guys will help you overcome your shyness.  LOL.  There are also shy Italians, so it's not as if they've never met a shy person before.  Just relax and enjoy yourself.  Shy girls tend to be really sweet so Italian guys will probably like this.  I live in Italy and am a bit shy (I was a lot shyer when I first came).  =)  Yes, don't be loud and arrogant.  It gives all other Americans a bad name, and it can be very annoying.  If an Italian says hi to you, just say hi back.  It doesn't get easier than that.  Hugs and enjoy your time in Italia.

  3. Non preoccuparti.

  4. Don't worry, you find shy people all over the world.

  5. talk to them like u would talk to ur family and friends....from my own personal experience, i will tell u that it will be easy to talk to italian people, because they are all very friendly...and they all talk a they would probably be doing most of the talking....they also like to ask americans a lot of questions about like TV shows and stuff.  they like to compare the differences between the italian culture/lifestyle and the american culture/ you could just tell them stories about ur experiences in the US....just about all italians want to have an american if ur shy at first, they will make sure that u will open up quickly...i hope that i've helped...but just remember that u don't need to be shy...if ur worried about people thinking that ur weird or strange, dont worry about it, because u might not ever see those italian people again...hahah.....but remember, if u don't talk, and remain shy, u will miss out on a lot of fun, and u will miss out on making a lot of new friends....i'm not telling u to not be urself, im just saying to be just a little bit more open to new people....again, remember, just have fun....Italy is BEAUTIFUL!!!

  6. people shy are in every country of the world.what do you think?in italy are not all so friendly and nice as yuo american think.maybe we are better than people of finland but we are not all the same.if you want some advice going to italy:you are female ,so you won't get problem,there will always be a male who likes you in italy.other:when  isaw americans in italy,they drank a lot.italians drink but not so much but they are fashinated by drunk female...if you had come to my city i would have given ospitality to problem for your shy,in italy female are goddess

  7. I'm italian, from Turin...

    I dont think you should get worried about it, we are really friendly, expecially with foreign people, so, we'll do everything to make you feel good, and in a short time you won't feel shy again...

    Just think to have fun!!


  8. First thanks for compliment.

    We are really warmest and friendliest.

    Then don't be afraid we don't hear young girls. ;p

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