
What do Jehovah's Witnesses think about "Beth Sarim"?

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Embarrassing or just an OLD LIGHT?

Many may say that it's OLD stuff but the bible is VERY old and IT doesn't change at all....

If they were wrong once can you trust the WBTS overall?




  1. That was one of the most ridiculous things I ever found out about.

    I don't think it had anything to do with light ,

    I think it was just a mans idea or wishful thinking.

  2. It is a gigantic secret!  SSSSHHHHush

  3. They love to point out that "they already know about Beth Sarim" yet their publication only tells them a small piece of the story.

    And, yes, they easily dismiss false prophecies as "old light."

    Then they say "Well, at least we learn from our mistakes..."

    Then they attack: "I don't see 'Christendom' doing that!"

    Followed by attacks on the Trinity, h**l, oh... and Christmas!

    On Christmas, they aren't entirely wrong.  But it is just a tactic to avoid accepting the serious holes in their own beliefs!"

    But, since you are a disfellowshipped former member, they aren't likely to even answer your question.

    _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

    Excerpts from the wiki article you posted:

    "Beginning in the year 1918, the Bible Students who accepted the leadership of Watch Tower president Joseph Franklin Rutherford began predicting that the Old Testament patriarchs or "princes" would be resurrected back to earthly life in 1925. They believed that these "princes" would become earth's new leaders and that their resurrection would be a prelude to the inauguration of a new earthly society and the abolition of death. These "princes" would use Jerusalem as their capital, with some of the "princes" being located in other "principal parts of the earth." Despite the failure of this prediction, Rutherford (also known as "Judge Rutherford") still continued to preach their imminent return."

    "The property was purchased in 1926 and the house was built in 1929. Rutherford named the property Beth Sarim, meaning House of the Princes in Hebrew, and dedicated it for the use of the expected Old Testament "princes," who were now expected to be headquartered in San Diego instead of Jerusalem"

    "Joseph Franklin Rutherford moved into Beth Sarim in early 1930 and served as caretaker of the property awaiting the resurrection of the "princes." Newspapers of the time reported on Rutherford's lavish lifestyle, which included a 16-cylinder Fisher Fleetwood Cadillac coupe."

    Keep in mind this is shortly after the stock market crash, when many were commiting suicide because of the financial devestation!

  4. "Oh it happened so long ago" is a common Witness excuse.

    If I am not mistaken the Bible predates "Beth Sarim" by about 1900 years. Does it's age make it irrelevant?

    Beth Sarim was a delusion of Judge Rutherford, the 2nd Watchtower President. Eyewitness accounts also tell of his fondness for alcohol.

    It is rumored that the Headquarters staff in Brooklyn, were happy that Rutherford was so preoccupied with Beth Sarim that he would spend a lot of time there and get out of their hair.

    There are newspaper articles where Rutherford is interviewed about Beth Sarim. There was another house, Beth Shan.

    Heres a quote from the Watchtower Publication, "Salvation"

    "At San Diego, California, there is a small piece of land, on which, in the year 1929, there was built a house, which is called and known as Beth Sarim. The Hebrew words Beth Sarim mean `House of the Princes;' and the purpose of acquiring that property and building the house was that there might be some tangible proof that there are those on earth today who fully believe God and Christ Jesus and in His kingdom, and who believe that the faithful men of old will soon be resurrected by the Lord, be back on earth, and take charge of the visible affairs of earth" (p. 311).


    ****EDIT, RAYTAYLOR1970: You said "At the time, it was believed that faithful men of old times, such as Abraham, Joseph, and David, would be resurrected before the end of this system of things and would serve as “princes in all the earth,” in fulfillment of Psalm 45:16. This view was adjusted in 1950, when further study of the Scriptures indicated that those earthly forefathers of Jesus Christ would be resurrected after Armageddon.—See “The Watchtower,” November 1, 1950, pages 414-17."

    "This view was adjusted in 1950" when nothing happened in 1925.

    But wait!!!! From The Watchtower 4/1/72, pages 197:

    “So, does Jehovah have a prophet to help them, to warn them of dangers and to declare things to come? These questions can be answered in the affirmative. Who is this prophet?…This “prophet” was not one man, but was a body of men and women. It was the small group of footstep followers of Jesus Christ, known at that time as International Bible Students. Today they are known as Jehovah’s Christian witnesses….Of course, it is easy to say that this group acts as a “prophet” of God. It is another thing to prove it.”

    So what does being wrong about Beth Sarim prove? What does being wrong about the 1914 Gen prove"

    What does this obviously inncorrect statement prove?:

    From: The Nations Shall Know That I Am Jehovah - How? 1971 p. 216:


    "Shortly, within our twentieth century, the “battle in the day of Jehovah” will begin against the modern antitype of Jerusalem, Christendom."

    Obviously Armageddon did not come in the 20th Century.

    What do all these false prophesies "prove" according to the Watchtower of 4/1/72, quoted above?

    That Jehovah's Witnesses are not God's prophet, as they claim?

    It's always interesting that when one of their prophesies don't come true, new light to the rescue.

    And you Witnesses see no problem with all this?

    "The theory of Cognitive Dissonance was first explored in detail by social psychologist Leon Festinger, who described it this way:

    "Dissonance and consonance are relations among cognitions that is, among opinions, beliefs, knowledge of the environment, and knowledge of one's own actions and feelings. Two opinions, or beliefs, or items of knowledge are dissonant with each other if they do not fit together; that is, if they are inconsistent, or if, considering only the particular two items, one does not follow from the other (Festinger 1956: 25)."

    "Festinger first developed this theory in the 1950s to explain how members of a cult who were persuaded by their leader, a certain Mrs Keech, that the earth was going to be destroyed on 21st December and that they alone were going to be rescued by aliens, actually increased their commitment to the cult when this did not happen (Festinger himself had infiltrated the cult, and would have been very surprised to meet little green men). The dissonance of the thought of being so stupid was so great that instead they revised their beliefs to meet with obvious facts: that the aliens had, through their concern for the cult, saved the world instead."

    Sound familiar, Jehovah's Witnesses?

  5. “House of the Princes”

      Brother Rutherford had a severe case of pneumonia after his release from unjust imprisonment in 1919. Thereafter, he had only one good lung. In the 1920’s, under a doctor’s treatment, he went to San Diego, California, and the doctor urged him to spend as much time as possible there. From 1929 on, Brother Rutherford spent the winters working at a San Diego residence he had named Beth-Sarim. Beth-Sarim was built with funds that were a direct contribution for that purpose. The deed, which was published in full in “The Golden Age” of March 19, 1930, conveyed this property to J. F. Rutherford and thereafter to the Watch Tower Society.

      Concerning Beth-Sarim, the book “Salvation,” published in 1939, explains: “The Hebrew words ‘Beth Sarim’ mean ‘House of the Princes’; and the purpose of acquiring that property and building the house was that there might be some tangible proof that there are those on earth today who fully believe God and Christ Jesus and in His kingdom, and who believe that the faithful men of old will soon be resurrected by the Lord, be back on earth, and take charge of the visible affairs of earth.”

      A few years after Brother Rutherford’s death, the board of directors of the Watch Tower Society decided to sell Beth-Sarim. Why? “The Watchtower” of December 15, 1947, explained: “It had fully served its purpose and was now only serving as a monument quite expensive to keep; our faith in the return of the men of old time whom the King Christ Jesus will make princes in ALL the earth (not merely in California) is based, not upon that house Beth-Sarim, but upon God’s Word of promise.”

    At the time, it was believed that faithful men of old times, such as Abraham, Joseph, and David, would be resurrected before the end of this system of things and would serve as “princes in all the earth,” in fulfillment of Psalm 45:16. This view was adjusted in 1950, when further study of the Scriptures indicated that those earthly forefathers of Jesus Christ would be resurrected after Armageddon.—See “The Watchtower,” November 1, 1950, pages 414-17.

    If your Mother when you where a child held your hand tight as you both waited for a bus, she suddenly said " here it comes" and grabbed your hand tighter, if she was wrong and it in fact was a lorry would you yeras later keep bringing it up? Yes, the Governing body have made mistakes as Jehovah has increased there knowledge thoughts have changed, better I think then still peddle outright Lies like Trinity and h**l fire!!

  6. They seem inclined to think exactly what they are told about this in their Society's 'Proclaimers' book pp 76, 78 & 89. There's a photo of this grand mansion-house and an explanation as to its purpose and why it was disposed of. It says that Bro. Rutherford started living in Beth-Sarim from 1929 on at the urging of his doctor, to spend as much time as possible in California due to having only one good lung. (A tiny footnote adds the theological belief for having this property - the imminent return of Abraham, Joseph and David etc. It says 'This view was adjusted in 1950'.)

    Bro. Rutherford (a lawyer) filed deeds to the property wherein he declared that "Any persons appearing to take possession of said premises, shall first prove and identify themselves to the proper officers of said Society as the person or persons described in Hebrews Chapter eleven and in this deed." Yet the 1980 Yearbook said 'It was stated in the "Millions" book that we might reasonably expect them to return shortly after 1925, but this was merely an expressed opinion.' (p 62) Yes, expressed by making those dead men inheritors of the property via a legal deed, lodged by the President of the Watch Tower Society. An opinion? No. A legal deed. The 1975 Yearbook said it was built 'for Brother Rutherford's use' (p 194). Ho hum. Put all those bits of information together and it looks like the light being switched on and off.

  7. The answers that Jehovah Witnesses give to try to answers these types of questions is exactly why it is so difficult to convince them of the flaws of trusting in an Organization like the Watchtower.  If the Governing Body can command such loyalty and convince people that they are in "The Truth" even after they have failed so many times in understanding and interprating scipture, it seems obvious that the Organization is not "properly disposed" to understand scripture which is the accusations they seem to throw at Christians.  They also seem to constantly give the excuse that they are humble enough to admit to making mistakes where Christians are stubborn in holding on to what they see as false teaching.  However, if they are humble enough to change teaching when "proven" false thereby making them righteous, doesn't that mean that the more mistakes they make, the more they can humble themselves, thereby making them even more righteous???

    So in the Jehovah Witness world, the more mistakes they make the better... I guess???

  8. I asked a similar question about how they can trust the WBTS when they change doctrine all the time. The JW's danced around the question and refused to answer. I expect you will get the same.

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