
What do John McCain thinks of Immgration?

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I was wondering what does he think of immgration?




  1. If his home state is any indication, he wants to open the borders indefinately. Dont pay attention to anything either Obama or McCain says, if you want to the truth look at what they do.

  2. He wants to deport all illegal immigrants who commit crimes, allow guest workers into the country.

    H voted to build a fence along the Mexican border in 2006.  Voted yes to establish a guest worker program in 2006.  Voted yes on allowing more foreign workers into the US for farm work, labor work and for skilled technical workers (doctors etc) in 1998 and 1999.  His voting record shows that  he is somewhat more lenient on immigration than most Republicans, but will not tolerate illegal immigration ---- those without visas, and will do anything to prevent illegal immigration......mainly by making "legal" immigration easier to accomplish and document.

  3. John McCain wants to reform immigration laws. To help the honest immigrants and stop the bad ones. I don't agree with that. I like Obamas approach let everyone in no question asked, and if they happen to be criminal spend tax money TRYING to deport them which normally only takes 18 months and sometimes up to 5 years. How much crime can such a small number of illegal immigrant (30,000,000) commit in that short amount of time

  4. I think he has the same stance on it with Obama, they both want the hispanic vote so what do you expect.

  5. he wants them out!

  6. he would like to see them out of the USA

    Go  McCAIN.

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