
What do Lebanese really think of Palestinians?

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lol so i totally got told off yesterday by some random lebanese guy i odnt know just for being palestinian, so im wondering




  1. show me the guy who told you off!!

  2. hii , iam a palestinian and i have many lebanese freinds ... but some lebanese hate the palestinians in lebanon cuz they want them out of their lands .

    Overall .. no personal prob. between both.

    Edit : OMG lool @ ur answer 2 this Ali guy

  3. dear hadi shway ma bada hal2ad el osa

    we don't hate you

    but we want you to have your land back and because of this we are against giving Palestinians Lebanese nationality because they are not Lebanese in the first place and I'm sure that you want to go back to ur country so u don't want to be Lebanese as well if I'm not wrong

    i think that you are mazlomien

    maybe this guy have some personal problems but to be honest with you and i lived in Lebanon for a long time so i know and lived that they're are many Palestinians that were always bad behaving in Lebanon and caused a lot of problems with some Lebanese so they have personal issues to solve

    for me i remember very well that my parents used to tell me don't go there or there because its  place where there is some Palestinians whom will be drunk

    and when you go to that places in a day and with some adult or something you can see the cans and bottles

  4. I met many Palestinians and they were nice people :)

  5. see, this is what i hate when muslims are not sticking together, i love everyone, muslims, shi3i, sinni, chinese, japanese, christain, jewish, buddast, i love everyone, i just dont like how people not saying you are samsooma, ur my girl.

  6. I guess one would call it a silent tension. Cheers!

  7. question should be why do U hate lebanese so much?

    shu ana el hmar? kiss ekhteek

  8. we are brothers and sisters !

  9. i have many palestinian freinds they are gr8. esh hada? esh ka3deen bte7ko? esma3 wala 3ali esh mallak enta? e7ke kamman marra 3ala phalastine 3ashan ato5ak . esh hada ya zalame ma beseresh heka. Peace and Allah ma3kon and i Hope u get ur land back soon.

  10. whoever told u off for bein palestinians just an a***e

    palos r cool (: even though u werent asking for my opinion but still looooool

    i like the accent in their arabic (:

  11. Everyone in the Middle East is racist

  12. Maybe if we stopped posting questions about race & just interacted as people none of these issues would come up & be a continual source of ittitation to us all..

    Sam  & Ali , now kiss & make up & let's try to be friends ...pleeeease !

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