
What do Malaysians think of Anwar Ibrahim?

by Guest59640  |  earlier

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...and are Malaysians inside the country under any kind of risk if they criticise the Malaysian government on Y!A?




  1. it's a nice nice world hehe

  2. Never mind about his issues but Anwar is asking Malaysians to start thinking and looking at things in a different perspective.

    We all could learn a thing or two from Anwar that is to educate yourself via lateral thinking and never open your mouth without having facts and figures to support your argument.

    The way I see it, Anwar teaches one to be a fighter for what you stand for and never be deterred by some cheap allegations and threats.

    It only takes one man to shake the whole cabinet ministers and their cronies to the bones and that man is Anwar.  Respect him or hate him but we all have to admit that the 50 year old cabinet do need some shaking around to move rosier ahead.

  3. man who thinks out of the box (leave his personal life out of this)

    we should look at someones potential, and give them chance.

    I believe he has the ability to break the tradition of malaysian politics.

    Im not all crazy about him,, but i think we should accept people who take risk to make changes.

  4. quite homosexual

    edit....omg!!!omg!!! who's tumb down me...hahahah...

  5. He is a battered child....

  6. one of the most clever politican after mahatir and a smart malay. better than our current PM now

  7. i would say, he is daring man..

  8. Anwar Ibrahim...he is a superstar.

    DSAI = Dia Superstar Abad Ini

  9. a bisexual but still believe he is innocent and think is a political plot againt him

  10. A crazy g*y who wants frame

  11. we cant judge people la even to hate them or like them...

    if we are all wise. we should only learn the positive side of him n respect him for standing up for us(the oil thing) but in the same time... we all must becareful of him also.. past is the past.. its the present we must look at.. and make the future a better one..

    peace to anwar peace to malaysians.. pease to u! :)

  12. ok it's confirmed.. YAM is a breeding ground for a certain political cybertrooper team who get paid by the rakyat's hard earned tax money judging from the answers above.

    Bunch of bigoted hypocrites also if you ask me since they speak out and slander the Jewish community for no apparent reason when the very own web applications that they favor and use frequently are run, programmed, developed, started and managed by Jewish people, for example, Facebook, Yahoo and Google. You didn't know that huh or you can't seem to swallow that bitter pill?

    What do i think of Anwar Ibrahim? I think he's the only savior the peaceful Malaysians have. Risk for criticising? Well don't ask for freedom of speech if you're not prepared to face the consequences.

    BlackB, stop insulting Anwar's wife. Who are you to judge his wife?

  13. He is the the dream..........

  14. all the leader are.....

    they need to be brush..mb can use Clorox/Harpic

    so many 'polimik' , bribes n etc...

    we need new/clean/professional leaders..

  15. He's quite ugly (sorry, Anwar)... a bit too old for my taste












    Eh ! Who TD me ???!!! You think I think Najib is handsome just because I said Anwar is ugly ???!!! For the love of gorrrd !

  16. Honestly, i think he is just an old sick man desperately looking for attention. He had done nothing except making the whole country depressed & causing chaos among the Malaysian. He tries to 'sell' Malaysia several times, making most people in deep shiiit in 1997/1998, giving false hope on telling us all that he can reduce the oil price which clearly he bloody CANNOT..he is a traitor to his own people and i just pity his wife on being a sucker..her position was just to give way to make him to be the Prime Minister!..

    overall, he is one big LOSER..what a clown.. downs...bengkek ker???? muahauahauauahahha......

  17. Plankton in Chum Bucket @ Bikini Bottom, never surrender

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