
What do Mormons think of the anthropology department at BYU.?

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Is the department a revolving door? how is moral? for real.

How do they justfy never having found proof of any egyptian hyroglyphics or metals described...or money..or skulls or ....a city..or even a clear direction as to what part of the western world to look at. If you know of any spin, I'd like to hear it. Thank you. btw I never met a mormon I didn't like.




  1. They have found a lot more than you are aware of but they do not only study ancient America -- it is an accredited anthropology school of high acclaim.

    Added Links below


  2. they would rather dive head first into ancient indian culture than admit to such a tragedy.  Hard working team of anthropologists.  Smart people.  just classically brainwashed.

  3. Very little! It's hard to verify a lie!

  4. I have no problem with it.  Sure, as Mormons we're always glad as things turn up that strengthen our "arguments" and make us look a bit less kooky.  

    I believe that God requires us to have faith.  As soon as there is something that concrete and irrefutable, then it becomes knowledge and faithless.  For that reason I don't think irrefutable evidence will ever show up for either the Bible or the Book of Mormon.   In both cases believers will cling to bits that support their beliefs, and critics will down play them and ask for more.  

    Anyone who asks God sincerely and humbly for truth will receive it.  God is a much better source of truth that Yahoo Answers.  Read the Book of Mormon and ask God if it's true.  That's where you'll find your own personal proof.

    Did you know that the largest city in central America is still about 99.9% un-excavated?  Think we'll learn anything new when we un bury it?  Think some of the things that we "know now" will change?  (it's El Mirador in the Peten Jungle FYI).

    And if they haven't unearthed the largest of them, what else has remained buried and unknown to us?

    You may find some interest in the link below.  I'm sure you'll find a nice way to explain all of them away, call them coincidences and demand more proof....however, you should find it interesting.

    Keep in mind, the purpose of the Book of Mormon was not to prove it's own validity, but to help people develop a better relationship with Christ and understanding of his Gospel.

  5. Well, let's see.

    Look at the pyramids in Mexico. They are similar to the pyramids of ancient Egypt. It's tough to build something like that without prior knowledge and the ancient people weren't exactly as advanced as the ancient Egyptians. So that knowledge was passed down from the ancient Egyptians to the Nephites.

    They have found plant life in South America similar to that in Jerusalem. How did it get there? I doubt that the wind brought it so far. Maybe someone brought it there.

  6. What if they DID find what you think you're looking for? Or are you ever going to be impressed with anything they would find?

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