
What do Muslims have against dogs and pigs? Don't they get their infections from other human beings, just like

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  1. we don't like to eat them either because it is god's gift so we don't harm them either it is in our temple books

  2. Dogs have a quality of being loyal and gratitude. Only loyal people can appreciate loyalty and gratitude.

  3. Except for salukis and a few other breeds, the reason dogs are reviled in those countries is because since they are scavengers, they are considered unclean. As for pigs, they often carry parasites and since they can be passed onto people, their meat can't be eaten. I know this doesn't matter as much now that people know the parasites can be destroyed through proper handling and cooking but they didn't know that in the days when the Koran was written. Still, many Muslims continue to observe that practice and avoid pork and pork products.

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