
What do Muslims think of the roman empiror Constantine?

by Guest55670  |  earlier

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we learned about him in school but of course u cannot trust their c**p they only tell u what they wnt u to know and i heard alot of things on here about him and Paul so can someone sorta explain it to me thanks




  1. One of the greatest! One of my favourite :) ..

  2. Uthman of Muslims;...

  3. Yes Muslims hear seem to know  a lot about Christianity.

    Simple Question name the twelve disciples of Jesus without using websites.

    Will see how many Muslims actually know them.

  4. Contantine the First's greatest contribution to modern day Christianity was in the calling of the Council of Nicaea in 325 C.E.

    Although history places St. Paul as the architect of modern Christian belief, his concept of the Trinity, however, was not consolidated before his death, or before the death of prophet Jesus (a.s.). Indeed, after the death of St. Paul in 67 C.E., there were many Christians who refused to believe in the "divinity" of prophet Jesus. Among them were the Arians.

    Arianism, founded by the Alexandarian theologist Arius, held that prophet Jesus was not divine, but rather, a created being. God, Arianism maintained, was One and Unique, and could not have had a son.


    These blasphemous beliefs of Arianism soon become a major problem of the eastern church.


    The problem of Arianism led to a landmark event for Christians of all time: the first ecumenical council of the Christian Church, which met in ancient Nicaea (now Iznik, Turkey).  this council - the first of many councils to come - was held in 325 ce. It was later to be known as the Council of Nicaea.


    The Council of Nicaea was organized by the emperor Constantine the first, who presided over the opening session, and took part in the discussions. He hoped that a general council of the church would solve the problem of Arianism, whose beliefs were fast spreading throughout the Christian world.

    the Council unanimously and immediately condemned Arianism as an heresy and (with the reluctance on the part of some members) incorporated the nonscriptural word ‘homoousious’ (meaning of “one substance”) into a creed (the Nicene Creed) to signify the absolute equality of the Son with the Father. the Emperor then exiled Arius and other Arian leaders. The transformation of prophet Jesus being a prophet of god into the Son of God, as well as Christianity officially being a new religion having nothing to do with its roots in Judaism, was now complete.

    This is what the Holy Koran refers to in 5:117-118 with regard to Prophet Jesus saying that as long as he was alive he never told anyone that he was the son of God, and that this greatly mistaken notion was founded only about 200 years AFTER his earthly demise...  

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