
What do Neo-Israelis want to be happy and to stop invading Palestinian territories?

by Guest67054  |  earlier

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Do they want lands?

They can take Cuba!

Most cubans are fleeing to FL and other places, so soon it will be empty and ready to be democratized and colonized!

shalom, salaam, y paz.




  1. some of these answers are funny haha.

    ok, well lets just use this as an example...

    from the year 2001-2004

    159 Israeli's were killed.

    a few weeks ago...

    139 palestinians in gaza were killed..

    within FOUR days.

    39 of them children

    10 of them women

    idk where their getting "once palestinians stop killing israelis will stop killing"

    why did those 8 israeli civilians die a few weeks ago...

    maybe because 139 palestinians were killed...

    homes were bulldozed

    curfews were set

    water was shut down

    food was stopped from coming in...

    60 years of occupation could also be a reason.

    did you know, palestinian children have the highest precentage of tramatic stress disorder?

  2. I'm going to go out on a limb here and say that if the savage arabs in Israel's midst stop attacking and killing Israeli citizens, Israel will no longer see the need to attack and kill savage arabs.

    Long live Israel.

  3. The Human Right To Peace, The Human Right to own the planet , The Human Right to own the natural resources of the planet and conserve them for citizens of each nation could help stop wars everywhere.

  4. There are no Neo Israelis. They are migrants in Israel (oleh hadash) and born Israelis (sabra). They are entitle to the Jewish Homeland, called the State of Israel, which was unlawfully occupied during the 2000 years of Jewish exile by Arab hordes. Israel is not interested in Madagascar or Cuba. Israel is interested in Eretz Israel (The Land of Israel) which belongs to the Jewish people. Naturally, the Arab Palestinians need a homeland also. It is Jordan!

  5. they want the land. isreal started out as just a few groups of armed terrorists, just like hamas. the jews and the arabs battled and it stayed pretty even. until the US funded the jews and gave them arms. then the jews took over all the land, including the arab people's half of jerusalem. what will make the ireali's stop? nothing. they claim palestinians are terrorists, just like they branded indians in america terrorists, they way england branded washington, john adams and our other forefathers as terrorists. the fact is that the palestinians just want thier land back, they just want it back the way it was before the jews attacked and stole thier land durng the 6 day war in 67. the palistinians fight for peace and prosperity. the isrealis fight for money, power, empire expansion. the palestinians want a two state solution, the isrealis want to erradicate palestine and all arabs in it. if isrealis wanted peace, there would be peace by now, but they dont. they dont want to give back the half of jerusalem that they STOLE. and they dont want palestinians having thier own country, they want to control palestinians and supress them in every way possible.

  6. When will Palestinians stop strapping bombs to themselves and blowing up anything around them?      Their extremist ways are not making points with anyone.

    Why is it that Arabs can live and work in Israel, but Jews can't work in an Arab country?    Heck, the Arabs don't even want Jewish owned ships to carry their supplies from other countries....

  7. Security, their neighbor countries to stop trying to "push them into the sea".  People to stop getting on buses and blowing themselves up killing Israeli citizens...

    Ask yourself why a Muslim can live and work in Israel , but a Jew can't live and work in places like Iran or Saudi Arabia.

  8. Last I heard they left Gaza.

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