
What do People believe about the North American Union Conspiracy?

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is it a hoax? or a possibility for the future?what about the economic effects of the Amero?




  1. im tired of you ignorant *** people. open your eyes. just cause its not on a TV doesnt mean you shouldnt look closely. theres already the European Union, African Union, Pacific Union, Central Asian Union, Union of South American Nations. why would it be so hard for North America? its NOT a conspiracy its the future. just like they will want 2 put chips in every1. theyve already taken away all our constitutional rights thanks 2 9/11 and homeland security.

    but this is what i think will happen. the world is overpopulated already. and we know 1/2 will accept all this bull and the other 1/2 will resist/fight for their rights. then once they finally finish making 1 world government they will kill off the 1/2 against them. then they (whoever will be ruling the world) will have CONQUERED the world and solved the overpopulation problem.

  2. Its not a hoax. Its just the beginning of what else is to come.

  3. BS, the same people who believe that are the same people who believed that Bush would declare martial law and make himself dictator during that war game trial a few months ago.

  4. It could be possible obviously our government wouldn't come right out and say it because it would be apposed it starts with small steps.

    check out the Trans Texas corridor it is real and allot of people think it is the start of a nafta super highway between Mexico and Canada

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