
What do People have against Boy Scouts?

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I'm 14, working on my eagle, the final rank and I cannot figure out why people hate scouts!




  1. Two of my four sons were Scouts but their attitude towards non-Christians and g**s is wrong! I no longer support the organization

  2. Gee I don't know....

    Maybe it has something to do with the organization's blatant discrimination against g**s & Atheists?

    Just a hunch.


    "they just do not allow g*y leaders so that they will not be tempted to rape scouts and you do not have to believe in god to be in scouts at least in my troop that is the case."

    1) Thanks for demonstrating the ignorance of the Boy Scouts of America. Paedophilia has NOTHING to do with sexual orientation. In fact, it may do you some good to know that the VAST MAJORITY of paedophiles who prey on BOYS are not g*y rather they are STRAIGHT MEN.

    Also you are wrong in your assertion. The BSA will kick out g*y SCOUTS, not just g*y troop leaders (I was a scout as a kid).

    2) Again, you are wrong with your assertion about religion. BSA requires that you believe in God(s). An atheist can be a scout only if he/she keeps his/her atheism a secret.

    the BSA is an archaic, disgusting, hateful organization.

  3. People dislike the scouts because they get sucked into listening to the left leaning people such as the ACLU but I bet those same people would protect the rights of molesters like NAMBLA .

    Those that don`t like the scouts do not like the old ways where people respected there elders and lived a good moral life style ,you see those same people would go out and protest and support a g**s rights but those people would turn there backs on the boyscouts.

    Those people don`t hate the boyscouts just hate what the boyscouts stand for.

  4. You don't sell cookies!

    I used to be in the scouts, several decades ago and it was great.

  5. While it is certainly not the case with all churches. One church has a firm policy of separation of church and state.  As such they do not allow the American flag in their church.  They don't "hate" scouts, but since scouts use the flag in their ceremonies, they can't use the church facilities... They feel that to do otherwise would make them hypocritical.

  6. Because people are ignorant.  And, most petty people tend to resent excellence in others, especially when it comes as the result of hard work and dedication.

    Ignore 'em.  People have political and social agendas, and they have chosen Boy Scouts as a highly visable way to promote those agendas.  The g**s denouce Boys Scouts, but in doing so, they deprive the Boy Scouts of the same right that the g**s reserve for themselves -- the right to choose.   Atheists love to slam on Boy Scouts, but as it is a private organization, it's kinda like slamming on a religious organization for believing in God, Allah, or whatever.  The organization was created with an aim towards encouraging a set of core values -- if someone doesn't agree with those values, that's fine -- but it doesn't give them the right to prevent other people from embracing them.

    Good luck with your Eagle!  My son stayed in Scouts for almost 18 months after he got his Eagle, and ended up earning three palms to go with his Eagle.

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