
What do Rugby players wear to keep the family jewels safe?

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Calling all guys -- my boyfriend makes me watch Rugby all the time and I can't help but wonder: It seems to me that guys would be limping around the field left and right with a knee here and an elbow there. It doesn't appear that guys wear cups -- so are you guys just that tough or what? Seriously, I'm waiting for at least a good mooning down the field and even the shorts seem painted on ! How do you guys do it?




  1. I played professional rugby for many years and I can not recall ever injuring the family jewels.

  2. im guessing...cups.

  3. No cups. Rugby is supposed to be a gentlemans game. If you can't hit him clean then don't hit him at all. We don't go for the jewels. Thats for chickens who can't play a proper sport....

  4. Playing rugby for 11 years now never been hit in the family jewels. Never seen anything you can wear.

  5. I didn't wear a cup when I played and I never noticed any of my teamates wearing one.  I think I got hurt just about everywhere else on my body but there.

    However, one of the funniest things I ever saw in a Rugby game was when this huge #4 was chasing down a kick to the full-back and the full-back instinctively kicked the ball away to avoid the tackle.  He hit a perfect spiral kick that landed, well, you-know-where.  The huge #4 was felled like he had been shot and didn't get up for a few minutes.  Now Rugby players are not like wimpy roundballers (football / soccer players) who roll around on the ground for no reason so you know the guy was hurting pretty bad...

  6. accually getting hit in the nuts isn't that common, i have been playing football for a couple years and i have only got hit in the nuts once and that was during practice, i have never got hit in the jewels during a game and i was in every play, and no matter how tough you are, if you get hit in the nuts you are gunna be in serious pain.

  7. We wear absolutely nothing for protection. I played for almost 30 years & only got hit in the nuts a couple of times, only once at a senior level.

  8. A lot of players tend to wear spandex shorts underneath their uniform shorts, and the compression provided from those, combined with the body's nature to divert blood from the area to be used in the muscles (and thus causing it to shrink) tends to keep it out of harm's way.  Also, even if you hit the ground flat, the combination of your knees/quads along with your abdomen and elbows sort of prop up your crotch from direct contact.  Lastly, because the rules of rugby (unlike American football with the down and distance system of retaining posession) it's not advantageous to fight for a couple extra inches (unless it's the try line) and it's best to allow yourself to be tackled (you are taught how to do this) so that you can put yourself in position to be rucked over and set the ball down so that your team keeps poession.  Thus, by doing this, you take your "jewels" out of harms way.  So the combination of all of these tends to keep players suprisingly safe.  In fact, wearing a cup or athletic supporter might get you hurt, because they aren't exactly stable when you are at a full sprint and your legs are moving back and forth.

  9. They usually have balls of steel - ha ha - seriously they don't wear anything!

  10. Determination

  11. To awnser ur question, bigger balls.  Enough to take the hit and secure the possession.  Its simple bruit mind over matter, unless they are trupped on.  give blood

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