
What do Russians think of French people (not the government)?

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What do Russians think of French people (not the government)?




  1. simply: friends

  2. I studied French language and culture since I was 10 years old. I absolutely love the language and the cuisine, and certainly am a big fan of French literature and art. Yet, my french-speaking friends are mostly of Kabyle (Algerian), Tunisian or Moroccan heritage, though I have very warm feelings towards 100%-French people.

    The French females I know, including some of my former professors, are very fashionable ladies, and have impeccable taste in wine and cheese. The French men, however, I find too feminine for my taste, though I think they make great friends, especially to French films and literature enthusiast such as myself.

    Hope this helps!

    Edit: @Stephan - I have been to France many times, I am fluent in French. Additionally, I said my my French-speaking friends are "mostly" of Arab desend - I did not say ALL of them are. I have a few female French French friends who are all of the above, as I described. As for the men you're referring to - actors - yes, I loved Jean Paul Belmondo and Gerard Depardieu. But I was refering to real men I know, not actors. The one I have met I did not find appealing (in an intimate/sexual sense of this word). That is all. My opinion only, and does not and should not apply toeveryone. Thanks

    Et aussi, insulter une femme que vous ne connaissez pas? C'est ne pas à la manière d'un vrai Français, vous ne trouvez pas?

  3. Russian and French people are friends forever!! :)

    Two times visited France.

    Very pleasant and sympathetic people.

    The Frenchman - the prisoner in own house. Issues where it is possible to show itself are simply necessary for him.

    Frenchmen are intolerant of a wrong pronunciation, in difference from Englishmen. For the Frenchman everybody the potential Frenchman, object from whom it is necessary to create the high-grade Frenchman.

    And still...

    They greedy.  

  4. The mutual links of sympathy are strong - and reasons very various -

       All the progressive trends in Russia found their inspiration in French revolutions : dekabrist'i  - 1871 Kommuna - and also the riots in french trenches very close to soldiers' leninist committees in 1917 in Russia -

       Many things are shared by russians and french : the fascination for culture, science and intelligence - the strong belief that school, is one of the key-elements of peoples' liberation and improvment -etc

       But in many regards, this probably due to the iron curtain a strong ignorance and some unbreakable myths such as : Paris is a big brothel for soldiers, french women are hookers, and french men are greedy -

       We are greedy because, more and more, we have to pay for all - russians are still impregnated with the "give-me state mentality" - so the available part of salary that you really throw through windows is always very limited and dedicated to sparing ( my case ).

        An other taboo element is the fact that the french communist party had a strong social position until 1980 and mutual links between the PCF and Moscow were strong - just like Italy - notice that Italy too is very well considered in Russia ( but maybe also for their common love of Art and music )

        If you're french, and visit Russia, I do it very often, say it openly - you'll be in 99% of cases welcome - and if you speak fluent russian, the 1% will ask you " a potchemu v'i tak gavaritie na russkom iezike ? "

    "v'i spion ???" ( authentic ) and just answer "da menia zavut Bond - James Bond, no sivodnia zabil zvoi avtamat" - Russians worship humour - if you make them laugh - problems disappear

    @ EDIT !!!! Darya - you should read again your text - you say you don't really know french native but ukaizevaitie tchto french women have a perfect taste in wine and cheese - where, in which film did you see this ? a french woman does not drink wine - now concerning french men, Depardieu is feminine ?, Belmondo ?

    Lino Ventura ? Joe Dassin  ?( no not russian - HE WAS french )  and of course Jean Reno is feminine - of course- So before writing your decrees, come to France and taste us - maybe, at last, you'll discover the woman in yourself

  5. They have warmed up to the French since 1812

  6. Baguette is the most lovely french food in Russia),people are good,because just good people could creat such amazing food,i little afraid that you have allot of migrant problems,but other french people are nice...

  7. French people are very soft-hearted, sweet, speak the language of love and can learn Russian to speak without accent. Many Russians think that the French like to eat frogs and have aristocratic manners. They like to drink red wine and champaigne, eat onion soup and wear berets. They are good lovers.

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