
What do Russians think of the invasion of Georgia?

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I want to hear what Russians (preferably Russians living in Russia) think of the current situation in Georgia.

I don't want to base my opinions on the partisan American press.

please tell me?




  1. I am from Russia and what i am thinking about situation in Georgia

    Georgian troops envaded in South Ossetia and began to kill people (they destroyed the capital of South Ossetia where civilian people live) and when the Russian troops forced them to leave Tskhinvali, Georgians goverment began to wine to Europe and USA about Russian agression. Today`s morning Georgians president said to French Diplomats (it was about 10.00 Moscow Time) that Georgians troops stoped war actions in South Osetia and in the middle of day (about 13.00-14.00 Moscow time) they attacked Russian Peacekeepers. And i think that our forces must protect South Osetian


    P.S. (if we are agressors, why people of Siuth Osetia who was in Tskhinavali (South Osetian capital) going for help to Russians forces (and medics)

    P.P.S. The soviet union is gone long ago - and nobody in Russia dont want to return that times back. We ARE not communists (like smn says), but there is no democracy either in our country (at least i don feel that we have had Democracy elections of president (and sorry for my english).

  2. its easy

    russia want to regain Sovet Union and the power

    first is Georgia, and next willbe another country, besides Georgia was good country to choose, as it has 2 conflictzones ( easy to provoke a war), pipeline ( so is more or less important for the europe and by annexing Georgia russia wld be controling it too) and besides all th e geo-polirtical location of Georgia, it has both sea and mountain resorts ..whats here to lose? y not occupy it, especiallywhen every1 watches the olympic games, whod care,? - thats russians LOGIC!

  3. Here are a few links that will give you an idea how much you cant trust US media.

  4. Everybody wants to see Russia as an attacking force. I don't mind this lie. I just want PEACE. And btw IF Russia wanted to capture Georgia, it should have captured Tbilisi first! Russian don't want war, verybody MUST know but the thing is NOBODY lets Russia live without war  

  5. well... here are some pictures:  

    there are not too many pictures from there right now as the fighting is still going on but i am sure more will come in the coming days.

    here is a short eyewitness account (in russian):

    if you can't read in russian then i can provide a rough translation.  an eyewitness here claims having seen as the georgian soldiers executed an ossetian family using a grenade launcher.  another eyewitness claims having seen as the georgian soldiers forced a family into a house and burned them alive and then ran over with a tank a woman with two children who were trying to flee for safety from the captured town.  also, the death toll of the tshinval siege on the first day was put to as high as 1000+ people.

    needless to say that i am talking about what was going on BEFORE the russian troops started coming in, b/c now the georgians are forced to be busy with things other then having fun exterminating civilians.  now you can make up your own mind or you can go back to watching CNN.  i am sure they will tell you a lot about russia's agression against a staunch u.s. ally and emerging georgian democracy

  6. Russian propaganda is not a good source of information. Never has been. Georgia does not want to be in the Russian sphere of influence, and the Kremlin has other ideas. South Ossetia is just an excuse for the Russians to attack and to show who is the boss. Georgia wants to keep its territorial integrity at all cost, which is understandable. And Ossetia's Russians would like to break away from Georgia. You cannot reconcile these two forces.

  7. Sorry but no matter whose press you see it from it WILL be bias. no doubt about it. both sides are probably doing unlawful stuff. plus russians are bombing tons of civilians.

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