
What do TR AP's think?

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  1. I think it's sad that her parents ignored her pain.  I'm not quite sure what else you want us to say though.

  2. I think in general they don't know what to think. They don't get how difficult it is to be removed from a culture and forced into a completely different one. Babies are not blank slates.  Aps can celebrate their heritage all they want but its not going to fix pain of the loss.  Unless Aps can afford to raise the child in their mother country at least half the time they spend in their own country, they have no business adopting internationally.

  3. I think that the opinions of TR adoptees are valid for them.  Them.  Most AP's today are more aware because of them.  So, what's your point?

  4. I think its horribly sad that her mother couldn't acknowledge her differences and celebrate them instead of pretending they aren't there. Not only that but don't dismiss the girl's grief! My mother in law told me the other day that my adopted chinese kids need to "just get over this adoption thing and forget that they haven't always been here". I wanted to strangle her! If I can't "just get over it" after 33 years and I'm only an adoptee lite, how could I ever expect my TRAs to just get over it? UGH people!
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