
What do TV anchor women do when they get old and ugly?

by  |  earlier

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Normally anchor women or female weather presentors are hired when they are young and attractive. What do these women do when they get old and lose their looks and the TV station starts to look for a younger replacement?

Are they reassigned in the TV station? Do they retire? Work elsewhere?




  1. I hate to call People ugly,,So i won't say anything.

  2. I don't like it that you say people become old and ugly because it gives the impression that old=ugly. And if you are a sensitive person you would be better with your use of words when asking questions.

    Not that it matters much in todays world. Most people would just call you a stupid jerk and leave it at that.

    I didn't.

  3. maybe they turn to radio presenting

    doesn't really matter what you look like

    no-one can see you!


  4. they go to radio.

  5. They become flight attendants and legal aids! Some just end up working for subscription radio!

  6. they work for usa today and the AP network doing grunt work.

  7. They do what Katie Couric has done.

  8. They go into semi-retirement for a few years and then write a tell all book about some politicians or financial gurus.

  9. Not too sexist, are we?

  10. the same that will happen to old geezers, which is probably your future category.

    What happens depends on your knowledge and developed talent, rather than just looks.  Most companies and corporations don't invest in a body, per se, but one that has real ability to get the job done, whatever it takes, plus those that are responsible and knowledge.

    Though TV and news reporters all start out in the puppy mill, the meat grinder, many move on to PR spots in other companies, government, charities, as company spokes- person.  The pay is usually better, and the benefits more stable.  One has to prove theirself before they can get that kind of job.

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