
What do Tasmania and Cocaine have in common?

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They both do cousins.

What's your opinion on the whole Ben Cousins drug thing?




  1. well done

    lock him up!


    Very Well Said.

  3. I think considering he had 14 negative tests and and 28 other players had positive tests maybe you should give him credit for getting help for his addiction.

    Also in his 231 game career I can only remember him being suspended once so instead of kicking him when down give him and his club a pat on the back for addressing a situation that no other club in the AFL has the guts to face up to where do those other 28 positive test come from and why don't we know who they are.

    You seemed to forget Cousins choose to get help even after never being tested positive in his career.

    Maybe the drug testers should be doing their job better and this 3 strikes and your named c**p once any player doesn't pass the test he should be named but I suppose Ben is a good scapegoat for the one eyed Victorians it is your game after all clean it up.

    Lets see if your players have the guts to stand up and take his punishment like a man instead of hiding behind their football clubs like the other  28 positive players but I wont hold my breath.

  4. be nice...

    i can make lots of jokes of which i constantly get being an eagles supporter...although the winning helps.

    actually all the jokes are pretty funny, but the whole issue is pretty sad from the top to the bottom...

    you have to feel sorry it happened to the eagles who are extremely well run, and John Worsfold who'd would have never put up with it all back as a no nonsense captain.

    You really need to look hard at the league which considers itself the be all and end all, yet cannot even put rules and legislation in place to properly function. They (AFL) needs to run itself like the only ruling body for a code (worldwide) that it is, the same as FIFA(association football) and not like a backyard league. He hasn't even be caught doing anything.

    In terms of drugs in general, it's just a sad reflection of the general community.

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