
What do U think of the Klitscko vs. Thomson box match?

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I think Thomson been payed to go down.You?




  1. First few rounds and last rounds were all that I remember of the fight. If Thompson was a harder hitter, he would have KO'd Klitschko. He landed more punches but sadly it wasn't hard enough. As for now, Klitschko is the best in his division, but he needs to throw in and mix up different punches before somebody catches him again.

  2. I think, you watched a different fight. I saw Klitschko knocking Thompson out.

    And when he got up, he didn't look stable? Did he?

  3. Why, what happened?

  4. Ummm Thompson was more slick and for a few rounds he impressed me more than wladimir, he kept on going for body shots instead of aiming for klischko's fragile chin and face, he seemed to lack the power to stand up to the stronger klischko and then wladimir kept on pushing the guy and jumping on him and that just looked weird, over all i enjoyed it, it was a slow typical heavyweight bout but thompson put up a better effort than the last guy klischko beat and wladimir was more aggressive.

  5. snooz fest, I hope chris arreola really get to their level so he can show everybody how to put on a real fight

  6. Klitschko looked good, but something tells me Haye would make quick work of him. But of course, having never seen Haye fight a heavyweight, I probably wouldn't know.

  7. Thompson was an awkward fighter, and it took time for Wladimir to find his spots.  I think he could have done it earlier......But you could tell it was over for Thompson in the 10th.  Klithscko hit him with some good shots, and those combined with the length of the fight made Thompson seem very weakened.  And sure enough Wladimir put him out in the 11th.  That right hand was a good shot.  And the way Thompson laid there, but then got up and was very wobbly......If he took a dive, he is an awesome actor because he looked done to me.  And he also had blood coming out of his head.  Look at Wladimirs KO record, and how strong he is.  I doubt he would ever have to pay anyone to take a dive.....

  8. TT was terrible, wlad didnt really have to break sweat... i can see haye dropping wlad in six.

    Another mismatch, heavyweights are just too slow, i cant wait for david haye to get his chance.

  9. Overall a very very dull fight and Klitscko was extremely unimpressive.

    I can't decide whether Thomson dropped intentionally because it was a fixed fight or whether he lost all will to continue.

    He didn't fall like he was knocked out and conveniently placed his hand under his head during the fall to cushion himself. He got back up, recovered quickly, his legs hadn't stiffened and I was surprised that I didn't see a doctor rushing over to check over him which usually happens after a KO that ends the match.

    TBH Thomson's corner wasn't doing him any favours by telling him off and slapping him. The guy looked completely deflated and they should have been giving him pointers and encouraging him. Instead they talked rubbish and slated him, something I'd imagine wouldn't get a boxer gee-d up.

    Klitscko didn't make the most of having Thomson against the ropes and didn't deliver any real combo's and just looked lazy... he looked knackered after the 4th round!

    So all in all I felt I wasted 40 minutes of my life watching this poor excuse of a boxing match.

    I'd like to see Haye in the ring with Klitscko, he's snappier, more dynamic and will hopefully do the UK proud. I wouldn't say it'd be a real achievement beating Klitscko though, I really don't rate him, particularly after this last performance. He's the best of a poor bunch of guys currently in the heavyweight division.

  10. It was a terrible fight, it is rivalled only by Klitchko's last defence, and the title fights between Eddie Machen VS Ernie Terrell and Henry Akinwande Vs Scott Welch.

    Klitchko is unimpressive, unconvincing, mechanical and boring.

    Thomson was typical of 21st century American heavyweights, no heart, no ambition, no ability.

    Thompson was one dimensional, slow, couldnt punch hard, unadventurous, easy to hit.....and it still took the robotic Klitchko 11 rounds to stop him.

    Hopefully Haye can inject some life into the division, and carry on where Lennox Lewis left off.

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