
What do Women want out of a relationship ?

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So many questions deal with men getting it sooo wrong so maybe the ladies should tell us what they expect and what they don't want.




  1. We want someone we can spend time with that will be able to open up to us, express his feelings without being insulting by telling us we're stupid, fat, lazy, not good at this, not good at that. Also, he will listen to us and allow us to be ourselves as well. So many women around the world are afraid that their husband/partner will leave them for someone more attractive if they could. For many, it's a reality, not just a fear.

    One of the biggest complaints I have about men is that so many of them seem to need to put a woman down so they can feel good about themselves. Is it really necessary? I remember when my ex-husband and I were married years ago, one of the things I really got to despise about him is that every time I got a job without trying for months, or did well in my existing job, he acted like he was happy on the surface.

    Then the knives were out, and he was throwing verbal barbs left, right and centre, trying to destroy my confidence. He was living aimlessly, not giving anything a real chance, quitting when things got tough and expecting me to stretch my salary to pay everything for both of us, and be a fantastic mother and housekeeper on top of that. There wasn't enough of me to go around, and he listened to his family (mother, brother and sister) too much, he was like a puppet.

    Be your own man, have your own views, but you don't have to be a bully either. Women want to share their lives with you, not have to ask for your permission for the most basic things.

  2. I have to say if you really want to know what a women wants, watch guys who always get the chicks. Women say they want a caring guy who listens and all of this stuff but give me a break that guy never gets the chicks!!!

    Women want a guys who is calm cool and collective. They don't want a guys who is nervous no matter how nervous they are. It is more natural for a guy to be calm and plus all that listening non stop and caring and all that stuff a guy can't be a girl. And when a guy tries to fit all of these he ends up becoming the friend while another guy actually gets the girl.

  3. we want some one that's goin be there for us no matter what....some one to talk to and that we can share are feelings with......we also want some one that's not afraid to be them self around us.....must guys just think its about the s*x but that is so and my boyfriend have been together for a year and a half and let me tell you it was h**l at first he would always be thinkin about things but never wanted to talk about how he was feeling and what was on him mind.....and that's one thing that we want is to now how guys feel and what there are should try it it really helps if my boyfriend can do it i know you can because he was so hard to get things out of now hes great about it.........i hope this helps you a little bit

  4. Most women just want a sense of security! This doesn't just mean money... it's mostly emotional support. The guys in my life that i liked the most were the ones that made me feel secure and safe.  

  5. I think there will be a lot of minor differences in what women want but on the whole i think it is simple.

    A woman needs to feel special, cherished,respected and validated. We all want security and to have little/no doubt that we will be cheated on. Strength of character/good men who still retain a spark about them and can see the positives in life and will show you when you lose sight for a moment. Just someone to share with and i mean this in an emotional sense rather than a materialistic sense.

    But to be honest, even my 15 yr old son says he doesnt understand women and needs a manual lol.

  6. Loving, affectionate, faithful, kind, considerate and respectful.   A man that realizes that women are emotional, and are not stimulated visually or physically as much as emotionally when it comes to s*x.  The s*x act does not have to be a marathon, if the woman feels loved and appreciated all of the time, instead of only in preparation for s*x.  Then it is a turn off.  She thinks, "Oh, he wants s*x again.", instead of " I can't wait for my loving man to get home.  He is so sweet and caring, I just can't wait to have in close to me."  which is actually the difference in what women think.  She is emotionally preparing all day for the s*x rather than a few minutes or hours.  She is more likely to o****m without a marathon, and she is more likely to be more agreeable and less nagging all of the time.  Most important, she is more likely to want s*x more frequently!!!

    Now, if she works or has children all day, she wants a little help getting them to bed or with cooking or cleaning the dishes, so that she can relax a few minutes before she starts the process of mentally preparing for s*x.  Walking from the kitchen to the bedroom is not a turn on, especially if you are dead on your feet tired!!!

  7. A guy with morals...and lots of honesty.

  8. an honest, caring who puts her first, (or at the very least makes her feel like she comes first)...makes her feel desirable, wants to spend time with her, and be open and talk about stuff with who helps out here and there with the chores...a lover, a companion, and a friend...even though we know you will always admire other women, we'd like you to know when enough is enough when making comments about them, we still would like to BELIEVE we are the only ones who can truly make u happy...we'd like you to be able to put our needs ahead of yours, as we do it so often, without even thinking about it...IDK, it's a long list, but it doesn't seem that hard to me...

  9. i want a guy to LISTEN to me and respect me. and not CHEAT on me. i also want the guy to see me for me and not some other woman of the past or future...and i want the guy to realize that there is more to a relationship than s*x and superficial things.

    if guys could just realize those things...there would be no probs.

  10. Love, respect, equality and space.

    What they deserve.

  11. The answerers from the women make me puke

    love, respect and honesty

    You get your answers from a Cosmo magazine

    You want a man with money & power, You want a status symbol, everything else is secondary

  12. woman are odd sometimes:D....we will never understand them:D

  13. half of everything a man has

  14. A man who is SENSITIVE in what he says - one who SHOWS he likes us for who we are on the inside, not just for s*x.

    It is actually the key to making a woman really aroused anyway.. making her feel loved, appreciated - by telling her exactly how you feel.

    so do that. and women will love you.

  15. different women want different things,but most want honesty but we only seem to get situation ethics (only lie if they have to) so some women settle scratch that most women settle

  16. Honesty and mutual respect.

  17. to be the last woman the man will love, care, adore, and make love...

    we don't want to be cheated, ignore, abuse. lol

  18. The things I want and need are LOVE, RESPECT and HONESTY

  19. Trust, honesty, communication, fun, s*x, love, devotion, commitment, compassion, caring?

    Things we don't want- to be ignored, to be cheated on, for our guys to talk to other girls too much or flirt, to be pressured into s*x, to be led on, to be  pressured to look or act a certain way, lying, coldness?

    It's the same things a normal man should want in a good woman.

  20. get marry!!!

    no girl, i mean good look for a short period relation, they are more than men look far, while we look far for everything else

    i mean we always take care of details, but in the relationship almost women lead us, no problem

  21. A guy who respects you for you and doesn't set about playing sick mind games, or one that is an abuser, nor do we want one that has to s***w around with other women. Oh and honesty if that's not too hard, as many men lie.

  22. So Easy ~

    Passionate w/ me


    Loyal ~ yeah that means don't cheat


    Funny ~ Good Sense of Humor

    Warrior of my Family by being a Leader not a Looser

    Family Man

    Good Personal Hygiene

    Communicates w/ me

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