
What do YOU believe it means when you're "drawn" to a place or a person?

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I've come to my own conclusion...but I'd like to hear yours. Do you think it means that God is drawing you to that place or person?




  1. I believe you have personal motivation when you're drawn to something or someone.  You're attracted to certain people and things due to a personal, natural attraction.  I don't believe there is any reason to see anything supernatural causing this.

  2. ive heard of people talk about kenetic energy, where you are attracted or drawn to someone you personally dont know. they say if you keep passing or bumping into that person without meaning to, you should talk to them. there maybe something they have to tell you?

  3. Maybe a sort of magnetic force given off by spirits?

    Or Field

    Lets just say beyond our grave lye's something with a power, no living can possess

    Anyways If god was trying to draw you to a place wouldn't you like shot across the room!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Most likley a person with a sixth sense can detect this..

  4. I think that some things are just meant to be.  If it is to be then things just fall into place,  if it is not meant to be, then things will try to block you.  My wife and I are both from the same area in California.  So many times our lives must have just about crossed,  we both were surfers,  I road motorcycles where she road horses, even knew some of the same people.  We both moved to Washington state at about the same time.  We met here and could not believe we had never met in California.  So I think you need to go with the flow and find out is waiting for you.

  5. I wish I had an answer to that, I just wanted you to know that I get drawn to certain places, I love to soak everything up & im not sure what it is.

  6. Your mind is not under the control of the concious component of brain

  7. i don't trust it

  8. I think it means they (or it) are supposed to be in my life. But you just described every reason I've ever bought a healing crystal. lol I just bought a 5" piece of Selenite (a satiny white stone) because I was looking at it on ebay and just HAD to have it. Turns out it's an excellent piece to help me channel better and to raise my vibration.

    But yeah, when I get that feeling, I listen and in the end, I always know why it was meant for me.

    Oh, BTW... since you mentioned it... I was drawn to the church I'm going to, the family I was raised in was Lutherin, not Catholic, but this church just called to me the first time I saw it.

  9. Yea, i do believe that if i am drawn to a particular person or place that it was god's doing. There is undoubtedly a greater force at work controlling and influencing the choices we make and this is god. Things don't happen simply as acts of mere coincidences. I think it means that god is willing me onwards requesting me to act and do something that shall have some sort of effect on me.

    In your case if i am drawn towards church or a group of people sometimes i think god is imploring me to act as there could be something beneficial for me. I know for sure that god's presence is incontrovertible. We just need to be more vigiliant and be open to his presence. God stated that he would speak to people through mixed signals rather then direct communication as a test of man's faith.

  10. Usually when I am drawn to a place or object, it means there maybe a spirit there.

    I will at times conscientiously avoid it, but will find myself still around it.

    Most of the time there is no message to it, but just an "attraction".

    The only place that God draws me to is church.

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