
What do YOU do when YOU babysit? Only for toddlers and pre-schoolers.?

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Sorry if I confused you at the end of the question! It means what do you do when you baby-sit toddlers and pre-schoolers. Not only toddlers or pre-schoolers can answer! Sorry about that. I just need to get some advice, tips, and things to do while I babysit. Thanks!




  1. I work for a day care, I handle the 1 1/2 - 2 1/2 year old class.  At any point in the day I can have as many as seven of them in my classroom the biggest tip I can give you, Keep them Happy, Keep them Safe, and at all times (except nap time) Keep them Busy!  Depending on how many you have, take out that number of similar toys but since their attention spans are only a few minutes (10 minutes is the longest) so exchanging toys shows them how to share...  

    They love to dance,

    They don't normally sit still for TV shows/movies,

    They love to play with messy things

    Shaving Cream (non menthol) and a Cookie sheet are great things spray a toddler safe shaving cream on the cookie sheet and finger paint, vanilla pudding is another great idea, Chocolate can stain...

    Edible play dough, its recipe i dont remember, is a cool toy and if they eat it its fine.

    Do you have a public library? The Everything Toddler book is my best friend.

  2. When you baby sit toddlers you can put on a childrens dvd or play a game with them also like to play athey or get some toys and play. They also like to go to the park and play on the pay ground or just go out side. Some tiesm in the after noon they need a little nap/ Sleep.

  3. You need to make sure that they are safe, clean, fed and kept occupied.  That may or may not take up all your time.  Once they are asleep can you relax and watch tv or read.....

  4. You have to remember that toddlers/preschoolers have limited attention spans. With very young children you are going to be switching activities often and quickly.

    As a nanny I often go from activity to activity all day long. Some things you may want to do with young children are:

    -painting(watercolors-for less mess, finger painting, shaving cream painting, squishy bag painting, marble painting, etc)

    >>Be sure you set up another activity for the children to do while you clean up, such as looking through books.


    >>Great quick activity. Blow bubbles and encourage the children to pop them.

    -Paper air planes

    >>Build and throw paper airplanes, have the children run and try and catch them.

    -Playing with balls

    >>gather up a couple of balls(all different sizes). Gather them in a basket, or just your hands and roll them all out at once. have the children gather them and put them back in the basket.

    -Light Tag

    >>get a flashlight and have the children "catch" the light. Be sure you have lots of room so no one gets hurt.

    -Outside play

    >any type of outside play is great.

    -Ball Kick

    >This is a game I made up to play with the children I watch. It is great exercise and according to the children "a lot of fun". Get a playground ball(or really any ball) and have the children chase after it and kick it. Its like soccer, but no net, or scoring. Basically, the first person to get to the ball kicks it in the opposite direction, everyone chases after it and whoever gets to it gives it a kick, etc. Make sure you make sure the children know the only "rule", which is no hands(since you do not want anyone getting a kick in the face).


    >You can buy it, or even make your own.

    Remember that not every minute needs to be filled with some sort of activity. You can have the children play quietly with toys, or color with crayons at the table, even just read books.  

  5. well i know that  some like to sing and dance or other stuf like that so

    make a talent  show







    : )

  6. I babysit my younger cousins who are toddlers and pre-schoolers all the time. All of them love to help out, so we normally do stuff like cleaning their room or if you babysit during lunch time, they can help make it (depending on age, of course). If the kids like coloring, let them color. I normally bring stickers if I babysit for more than one and if one of them does something really good, I give them a sticker. If they like to sing, put in a cd and let them sing, or they can sing without music!! It really just depend on the age.

  7. getting things out and putting them on the floor and hitting them is always fun - pots and pans etc.

    spontaneous games that arise.

    rolling a ball back and forth on the floor or even bouncing it low


    jumping on the bed, jumping off the bed, jumping onto the bed

    get involved in made-up games with them that you collaborate to invent.

    hiding and peeking are always fun.  

    try screaming or singing songs

    try follow the leader...

    petting dogs

    taking all the cushions off the furniture and looking there.

    sitting on the furniture without cushions

    trading places on where you sit

    putting the cushions back

    jumping, hopping, galloping, skipping games (toddlers and preschoolers naturally run in a circle.  structure it!

    hop like a frog, slither like a snake, fly like a bird ...imitate all the animals you can think of.  

    coloriong, painting, writing with chalk on the patio

    main thing is that you participate with them.

  8. Don't plan a schedule that's for sure lol. I tried that and it never works the way I want it to so I just let it happen how it happens. By the way don't be afraid because just remember the kids are more nervous then you. Be firm at telling them no but don't scream. Play with them but also let them know you are the one in charge. Also give them a choice if you want like say do you want to play simon says or do want to color. I would also have nap time so they can calm down for a while (but hint don't call it nap time call it rest time lol) It will also give you a little time to rest also. Good luck!!

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