
What do YOU think about Lip Piercings?

by Guest66717  |  earlier

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I'm 15, about to turn 16, my high school allows them. It's something I've wanted for a while now. I have really good grades, and I'm pretty average. I have full lips, not thin ones. I don't have anything pierced, although, I've had my ears pierced before. I hate them. I let them heal over. Oh well. I plan on getting my lip pierced tomorrow, I'm even paying for it, although my parents are coming with me. My friends and family are all for it.

Also, in case you didn't know. People who don't want their piercing visible at all times, can buy a small clear ring thingy. No one can tell you have a piercing, but it holds it open so it doesn't close.




  1. i wouldn't get one b/c it'd hurt like CRAZY!! omgg i don't even think they r attractive

  2. *I personally think they look terrible.  Why would you want something there in the way and that is not that attractive. plus umm painful much. and those clear things yeah people can tell.  If you have good lips why ruin them. sorry. that's probably not the answer you're looking for but I am just trying to give you some decent advice.  don't do it before it's too late. *

  3. in my opinion, lip piercings are trashy.

    this girl i know pierced hers in the bathroom of an ice cream place.

    but as long as you're being sanitary and you have permission, hey, go for it

  4. well, if ur a punk id say do it hands down. but if not, do it if you want. ive always thought it'd be a drag 2 kiss someone with a lip piercing. if you want to i say go for it, totally!! good luck! p.s. if ur scared, im getting my cartalige pierced tomarow and im really scared!!!! but the lip isnt cartalige so it wont hurt so bad. the non cartalige part of my ear doesnt hurt.

  5. In my opinion, lip rings on girls are kind of trashy. But on rocker boys they are so hot!

    It sounds like you have alot of support though, so go for it!!! Good luck!

  6. lip piercings are awesome, they're hot on guys and cute on girls

    you can buy clear studs or get a retainer maybe  

  7. sounds like your gonna get it no matter what we say. lol, anyway, i like them some of the time on some people. my bf has on but hes never worn anything in it around me, he got it when he was about 17 or 18.

    go for it, piercings always look a little better when you dont give a S**t about what other people think ; )

  8. Go for it!

    I think they're great.


    And if you take care of the correctly you shouldn't have any problems.

    I had mine for a year. And got the other side pierced a month ago.

    I adore them.

  9. All these people saying "OMG DON'T GET IT".

    It's a piercing... If you don't like it and you don't want it, just take it out. Simple hey guys.

    -Coming from a personal perspective, I used to have my lip pierced. I loved it. A couple of years has passed now and I let it heal over, only because I grew out of the phase.

    So I say go for it, it's not like you're stuck with it for life.

    Also, the pain is nothing. Just a quick pinch.



  11. I think you should get it. I mean, if people are not against it, and your school allows them, go for it.

  12. i think they look amazing:)


  13. I'm not a fan of the piercings.  They just don't look good.  They're unnecessary and only hinder beauty.  If you want to go through with it, suit yourself, but being natural is so much more attractive.

  14. At my school, usually only the S****y girls wear lip rings.

  15. i used to have my lip pierced and it made me not look feminine and less girly. i think girls look better without holes on there face.

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