
What do YOU think caused King Tutankhamen death?

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What are your thoughts about the matter?




  1. After reading a piece of article related to the CT Scan results, which was performed on King Tut, it sounds pretty conclusive to me. The scan uncovered no evidence of a blow to the back of the head and no evidence suggesting foul play. There was a hole in the head, however it appeared to have been drilled, presumably by embalmers. A fracture to Tutankhamun's left thighbone was interpreted as evidence that the pharaoh badly broke his leg shortly before he died and his leg became severely infected; however, members of the Egyptian-led research team recognized, as a less likely possibility, that the fracture was caused by the embalmers.

  2. A want of breath...As to what caused that pick your favorite conspiracy,this fellow has as many as john f Kennedy

  3. I have a theory that he was beaten to death by his mother in law and that the embalmers were instructed to cover it up and make it look like an accidental death.

  4. He died of a massive infection. He had badly injured a leg,and the wound became septic.Try visiting National Geographic's site.

    I've been reading about Tutankamun since the 1970's when his tour came to the United States.Once,they thought that he had fallen off his chariot and cracked his skull.Others thought that the military or the Priests of Amun had him killed...these theories came without modern technololigal studies of the mummy itself.This latest theory sounds like the most plausible.

  5. I saw a documentary not long ago that showed the scientists and archeologists being pretty certain that he had broken his leg severely and contracted an infection from the open wound involved, that festered, and he died from the sepsis.

    I think it was Digging for the Truth with Josh Bernstein.  I remember him and his pal Zahi Hawass (or however you spell it) discussing the situation.

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