
What do YOU think??? (easy 10 points)!!?

by  |  earlier

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I find it horrible when people have those "talking dogs". The do such terrible things and are violating animal rights!! they pull a chain around their neck to make their mouths open so it looks like they are talking and has anyone ever noticed the dogs never move! They MUST be sedated or on some drugs...

I am an animal lover and I believe this is cruelty... If you do, too I would like to create a petition to stop this... we can send it to the ASPCA ! Please tell me if you would like to help and please leave your email address for contact!

Thank you soo much for helping!




  1. thats horrible lock them up in jail for ever n make them do it  id love to help you i hate those horible people who tie bears paws up n make em dance ore kill tigers and animals for their coats which look nicer on the animal pull together n make it stop


  3. That's terrible!

    How can people do that to any animal?

  4. Well, that would be mean...but my dog seriously "talks". I'd never put a chain on him, much less tighten it...he doesn't need one. If you say "summer" he tries the best he can to howl it....sometimes it works pretty good for him.

    My grandmothers friend had a big st.Bernard and a little Pomeranian, so when the pom came in heat they separated them and their St. Bernard howled for her all night, so they taught him to howl "I love you" when they separate them.

    BTW: he howls summer because it's my name and he's my baby. Like I said he only wears pet approved collars, not chaines, I get the snap; break away ones.

  5. THATS SOOOO mEAN! i get so upset seeing people hurt animals. i wish they understood what they were doing to the animal. it's not far at all and it makes me sad. But luckly when my aunt sees a homless dog, she takes it to the vet, and then keeps it if it doesnt have a home. One of her dogs was shot, one got hit by a bus, one was physically abused, and much more. it's very sad :[

  6. awww i wanna help!!! this is so sad!!! poor doggies! :(

    my e-mail is:

  7. omg, that is sooo mean.  I want to help!!

  8. Yeah that is really mean!!! i love dogs :(  i don't know they're address though :(

  9. I agree completely thants so wrong. like how would those people feel if we put a chain around theor neck so they would talk ITS SO MEAN!!!! AND LITERALY EVIL

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