
What do YOU think models eat?

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No sarcastic answers from wankers please.




  1. I guess most would be vegetarian as they avoid any food containing fat. Not good advertisements for a vegetarian diet!

  2. wel not high fashion models, but like victoria secret models and those type, i think they eat very healthy and indulge once and a while, because they exercise, which is what people should be doing anyways

  3. Crank, pickled celery, and lots of water.

  4. just as vegetarians, vegans, meat eaters, and the like do not want to be stereotyped, it is wrong to stereotype models as well.  most of them are probably very concious of what they are eating....some will eat healthier than others, or eat more, whatever.  but when it comes down to it models all have different diets just like the rest of us.

  5. not much... they are practically REQUIRED to be underweight. a HIGH percentage have eating disorders.

    Here's a couple of fun facts for ya

    Models and actresses weigh, on average, 20% less than the average woman

    BUT, only 2% of women NATURALLY are "that" thin.

    So.. how do the rest do it??? Hmmmm.. I wonder.. anorexia, anyone?

    Here's what happens to them.

    Here's a more inspiring story.. 13 year old teased mercilessly for being chubby... so she becomes anorexic.. and becomes a model..  though her BMI was in the anorexic level, her agency told her she should lose another 10-20 lbs.. that's when she decided it was ridiculous, and walked away from a world where starvation was the price of sucess.. until she discovered plus-size modeling.. which she's now one of the top models in the plus-size world

  6. wrong section but maybe food.

  7. Like one poster said, food, not just a whole lot of it..

    this was  a sample diet of one model I knew

    Can of water packed tuna

    soda crackers

    small bag of dried fruit with nuts

    two or carrots, chopped

    a baked potato no topping

    lots and lots of water (and cigarettes)

    This was for the whole day not for one meal

  8. Looks like they eat nothing to me O_o lol

  9. I know a model, and I have seen her eating pizza with sausages. but she doesnt get fat and doesn't make herself vomit. she eats more than me, but she is skinnier, she is lucky, has a fast metabolism. and works out a lot.

  10. Lots of models eat and spew it back up. Apparently some have even grown tape worms inside their belly intentionally and with one of those I don't think you can really gain weight. Some don't eat enough food, smoke and other stupid things to keep their weight down. And then there is models that aren't idiots and exercise and eat healthy.

  11. Nothing thats why there so skinny

  12. Steam?

  13. paper

    oh god thierryhenry_101 i could not have said it better

  14. When I was 16 years old I actually spent 6 months working on contract for a company called Discovery clothing, a Chicago-area clothing company that targets young teen girls.

    From firsthand experience, I can tell you it really depends on the model.

    Some of the girls I worked with could eat like a horse and never gain weight, they were naturally tall and willowy and their mothers were just like them. They'd eat anything they'd want. This was about 20% of them.

    About 40% of the girls ate mostly normal food but ate smaller portions, exercised a lot, counted calories religiously and worried about making weight a lot. They would diet on and off but they didn't really seem eating disordered yet, just concerned with their bodies like any woman would, the difference was that their eating habits and exercise habits were successfully keeping them thin, unlike how most women worry and diet just as much but remain fat and unhappy, as luck would have it.

    And then the last 40%, I am sad to say, had serious eating disorders. From experience I have heard at least 3 or 4 of the girls I worked with vomiting in the bathroom after a catered meal at a photoshoot. Girls would starve for days at a time. They'd take photos of themselves naked as "thinspiration", trying to see at what weight they could visibly see ribs. Collarbones and hatchet-like, sharp, sticking-out hipbones were coveted. It was extremely catty and competitive and you'd constantly see and compare yourself to the other girls changing. Sometimes you'd find yourself skipping meals or just eating oddly.

    I hated the whole experience, I held on until the contract expired and then quit immediately. I felt the pressure was overwhelming to be thin. Even though the management and others in charge didn't outright tell us to diet and be super skinny, it was constantly evident (from weigh-ins to how they would only bring size 0,2 and 4 clothing to photo shoots, and if someone got too fat they would be humiliated and everyone would know they couldn't fit into the samples).

    I started dating someone that went out to eat a lot during the time I worked there and gained about 8 pounds, and I went from a size 2 to a size 4. When one of the ladies was putting my pants on, she said, loudly, "ARE YOU PREGNANT? Holy c**p! You really put on weight!" It was only 1 pants size more, but that was equatable to being a big fat planet, even though at my "fat" weight I weighed 118 pounds.

  15. Well they drink lots and lots of water to make weight loss easier and make their skin clear.

    I heard they have 3 mini-meals a day. Like peanut butter, fruits, tofu, vegetables.. all that good stuff. They also do yoga or other exercises which is another thing that helps them get thinner.

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