
What do YOU think of the DREAM act bill?

by  |  earlier

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What do you think of it?

Would you like it to be passed?

I think it's a good idea..

especially the military conditions.

serving for at least 2 years and they get a 6 year conditional permanent residency..




  1. It should not be called the Dream Act, it should be called the Nightmare Act.   Because if it passes, that is what it will be for the US Citizens!!!

    Why can't Illegals seem to understand the concept about going through the NORMAL and LEGAL process??????????

  2. It stinks!

  3. We have already spoken, and this joke of a bill did not pass and never would!!! Illegal invaders deserve nothing and do not have the right to any dreams in our country. Go home!!!

    Report and Deport!!!

  4. It is dead and if they try to resurrect it again, it will die then to.

    The AMERICAN people have spoken and they have said, "NO!"

  5. It's dead and it should stay that way. It would be a nightmare otherwise.

  6. i love it!!!!!!!!1 behind it 100%!!!!!

  7. What would you do if you were a teenenger and when all your friends are talking about what university are they going to apply you ask your parents about it and you find out that you are an illegal immigrant, nobody asked you if you wanted to come here, you were brought here when you were a baby, you have never been in Mexico, you don't have family in Mexico.............

    What would you do????

    Yes we need the dram act.......

  8. i think it is a good idea cause these kids have nothing to do with been here illegal

  9. A ridiculous idea.

    It rewards and encourages yet more illegal aliens to flout our laws, it impedes legal immigrants in their quest to attain citizenship and takes opportunities away from the children of LEGAL citizens.

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