
What do YOU think should be done to improve our economy??

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What do YOU think should be done to improve our economy??




  1. Increase government regulation and TAX reform.

  2. 1 reform our tax codes to give more business incentive. The IRS should be abolished and a flat-rate tax on all American earnings.

    2 a a blanced energy agenda that gives producers incentive to expand the use od renewable sources in the long-term while utilizing the resources available domestically in the meantime.

    3 illegal immigration is a drain on all our social services and should be dealt with swiftly

    4 reduce our military footprint worldwide and focus more on humanitarian efforts.

    5 quit trying to bail out everyone who makes a bad financial decision and hold those accountable for corporate financial injustices.

    6 disallow all political campaign contributions in excess of $100, force all lobbyists and special interest groups out of Washington, and give the President line item veto power to cut all the earmark spending from bills put on the President's desk for signature into law.

    7 the federal reserve needs to raise the interest rate. In the short term, this will be slightly inflationary but in the long term it will strengthen the dollar and bring better returns on all our investments.

  3. Start seriously investing/producing in alternative resources/ energy sources. Once that's done, we won't have billions of dollars pouring into the Middle East each day for petroleum products (money we could keep in the U.S.). Once we aren't dependent on petroleum, we can make our alternative energy a major export to other countries and bring outside money in.

  4. first of all our econmy is in my perspective crubling its not at its fullest second of all our goverment is soo simple one smart move and it crubles very easally third we need more support from the citizens and we need to distribute our money and spend it on things that we need not like the war in iraq we dont need that we need to fund more reaserch in solar and wind energy if that succeds then we wiill have saved a lot of money on energy costs to bad no one in the goverment is smart enough to figure it out lol

  5. Welfare reform.  No more living on welfare.  Five years and that's IT.  Cut off.  It's ridiculous, how many people make a life-long habit of it.

  6. stop outsourcing so people will have jobs.

    lower the prices so people can afford things (gas, food)

    stop the foreclosures.

    learn to swallow pride and be willing to by generic foods rather than high quality more expensive versions (brand name)

    walk more than drive.

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