
What do YOU think the oldest age is to hit puberty? (in guys) cuz my friends and i have a bet, i think its 16

by  |  earlier

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the latest you start cumming




  1. there are some kids who never reach full puberty

  2. prob 16 lol.

  3. 14 -15 at the latest.At that time you produce so many hormones ,that it is high time for being able to c u m .


  4. 17-18

  5. I didn't get pubes until I was 15-16.

  6. Your question is very vague.I dont know what do you mean by 'oldest age ' ,if i undestand it a 'late onset 'of ejaculation of s***n  than late could be any age because it is abonormal  onset for that boy and it varies person to person depending upon his health ,genetics , race etc but in normal indian boys they should ejeculate by 14 years of age if they are healthy[ you should bet for normal onset than late onset ,which is variable age , so in  your bet nobody is winner - got it  man]. [PS: when you ask ques ask straight and in scientific terms ,what is this c u m and all ,these are pornographic language]

  7. 15-19, I'd say.

  8. one of my friends didn't actually have that happen to him until seventeen (that's basically when he started puberty too, growth spurt and all).

  9. there are some late bloomers.  I have heard of some boys hitting it around 18. I had one associate who never "blossomed".  Later in life he had to be given testerone treatments.

  10. i think the latest is 16

  11. Depends really i'de reckon the average is about 15-16 depends how late bloomers they are.

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