
What do YOU think the word retarted is?

by  |  earlier

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I was just wondering what the people of the world thinks!




  1. retarded to make slow as in r****d the timi ng on your motor car

    also used to describe people with intellectual impairment (as they are slowed in speed of mind)

    now nasty slang as well

  2. You mean retarded? I believe it means someone who has a problem with their brain and may have learning disabilities.. although i don't see why people use that word for other terms.

  3. I myself use the word retarted for someone who is a stupid moron, like.. someone who makes idiot out of them selfs

    Even though people use it to discribe a disabled person, it seems like a mean way of  discribing people like that

  4. reatarted.

  5. The word "retarted" is a mispelling. I think you mean "retarded".

  6. Do you mean retarded? Its literal meaning is to slow down. It was used in the past to refer to mentally challenged people but I don't think its used in that sense anymore aside from in a derogatory way.

  7. Retarted is not a word.  I assume you mean...

    Main Entry: re·tard·ed  

    Pronunciation: \ri-ˈtär-dəd\

    Function: adjective

    Date: 1895

    sometimes offensive : slow or limited in intellectual or emotional development or academic progress

    Which is what I think it is.

  8. Well I got all dolled up the other day and went out and it rained so I had to come home and re-tart myself so I suppose when I went back out you could say I was re-tart-ed.

    But the word retarded...

    It is a disgusting insulting degrading word used by only the ignorant.

  9. To me I think of, to slow down or hinder the advancement or accomplishment of, to impede-Actually that would be r****d.

  10. mentally disabled. mentally handicap.

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