
What do You do if Your Swimming in Guilt?

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I took my dog for a walk and forgot a bag (I know, I know that was the first fault). This lady was out mowing her lawn. She was old and wrinkly and had a southern accent. My dog left a "gift" on her yard (By the corner, by the street, which was technically not her property.) She told me I needed to pick it up and I said I didn't have a bag. She said, "Oh, okay." and then I left. I feel so bad because I don't even know her! What should I do? I'm drowning in guilt! Help!




  1. you sound angry and full of BS  old wrinkly  southern accent  not her property   what does this have to do with your dog pooping on the street  you are trying to con your way out of the guilt  you could have apologized and ask her if she had a paper she could give you or a bag to pick it up with  she evidently mows this part of the lawn to  you never mentioned you went back to pick it up and you probably didnt  and you didnt even know her -again what does this have to do with dog p**p  do you need a formal introduction to pick it up  i dont think you are "swimming" in guilt or drowning either if you were you would do the right thing

  2. Next time you walk be SURE to bring a bag. And next time you see her just say ' Im still really sorry about that time I didnt have a bag with me to clean up'. If you want you can bring her a treat or something. Dont feel guilty though since it was just forgetting to bring one. You didnt intentionally do anything

  3. This is not the end of the world by a long shot.  Stuff happens.  People forget things.  Go back and if the doggy-doo is still there, clear it away.  Remember to bring a bag with you when taking Fido out for a stroll.  You never know when he's going to "get the urge".

  4. Make every effort to go back and pick it up. From now on tho, keep a bag with you so you can pick up the poops when doggy does one.

  5. Go back and clean it up.

    Let her see you doing it.

  6. Could you go back with a bag and clean it up? Or maybe you should just apologize to her.

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