
What do You think of the justice system allowing PAEDOPHILE DENNIS FERGUSON go free? In QLD/AUS?

by Guest65868  |  earlier

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What do You think of the justice system allowing PAEDOPHILE DENNIS FERGUSON go free? In QLD/AUS?




  1. Just shows that our farcical justice system care more about those that commit crimes like this than his future and past innocent victims.

    I know what I would do if it was my child or grandchild that got molested and then the hypocritical system wouldn't be able to lock me up fast enough.

  2. I think it is disgusting that he was set free on such grounds, that he wont get a fair trial. If he had been a repeated armed robber or a repeated car thief they wouldnt care about fair trial. Is the government saying you can be found guilty of a crime in this country if you didnt commit it? It should go to trial in front of a jury and he can appeal if it is proven he didnt get a fair trial due to the juries prior knowledge and opinion of him and his acts. our legal system obviously needs to be examined when this kind of twisted *** can get off because he is too famous. There are some crimes that deserve life in prison, he should never have been released.

  3. it's pretty messed up, because he is such a bad person there is no one in australia who doesn't hate the man, he goes free.

  4. i dont think its right its pathetic and no paedophile should be set free

  5. I think that the justice system is rigged for certain people to get by that have the money to get away. I feel as though people should get together and ask the system whats going on but as long as they are in greater numbers they can do what they want. Thats also why its more money put in war than education so the government can do things that we would'nt notice that it is actually hurting its people.

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