
What do a employer look for when checking your credit report?

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What do a employer look for when checking your credit report?




  1. to see how bad you need a job

  2. They are looking to see how responisble you are.  If you have a crappy report, they are going to assume you arent reliable and are irresponsible.  Also, if you are working around alot of money, they want to see how you are with money in your personal life.

  3. They want a general picture of how you manage (or have managed) your personal finances. Although having debt doesn't mean you're a criminal but they will be of the opinion that if you're largely indebt and have bankruptcies and collections out your ears that you'll be tempted to steal and/or compromise their client accounts.

    They just want to know if they can trust you. Basically if you can't look after your own affairs, how can you look after theirs?

  4. From experience, they check to see the dollar amount thats reporting bad. Some employers will let you have a certain amount in debt but if its over that amount they will not hire you.

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