
What do adults see....?

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Yesterday at lunch (in school) a few friends of mine told me that I looked completely stoned. And when I went to the bathroom to check- I thought so too. I normally have a very low key personality and I like to be nonchalant about life- so I have been told that I act like someone on something too.

But the thing is that I have never done drugs whats with the look? And what are teachers and other adults thinking?




  1. Maybe you're stressed out or you're not getting enough sleep/getting too much sleep..sometimes even changes in weather can affect your skin and make you look pale if you don't take care of it..And don't worry if you look stoned it doesn't mean that all your teachers or adults would think you're doing drugs cause they know too that there are other reasons which may cause your face to look like that..

  2. see an onion in bathroom .... for smell .....

  3. your problely just need more sleep. thats what i look like about half way thro school

  4. Maybe you're bieng stressed out.... don't even think on doing drugs ok! What youi can do is relax and so some sprots. Get yourself happy with sport so with anything you like- you'll see that you'l get much better!

  5. Just looking 'checked out' - eyes glazed or half open, jaw slack when not paying attenttion, body relaxed.  Overall, content and nonchalant, but simply not alert. Your friends are probably just saying this half because it's true and half to be cool. Honestly, most adults and teachers who deal with teens on a regular basis would not assume right away that you were under an influence, they'd just put it down to normal teenage behavior - needing more sleep, etc.  

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