
What do after you ripped your cold sore off?

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i get cold sores all the time and they are very annoying, i haven't seen my girlfriend in a month and I'm not going to let a cold sore stop me so i ripped it off and now it just looks like a deep cut in my lip with a few bumps under you can hardly see, what should i do now ?




  1. OUCH!!! You ripped it OFF?? Goodness!

    Yeah best to go to the pharmacy to get some coldsore cream for it!! Dont put anything else on it.  

  2. Next time, don't rip it out, it will become even worser. Try putting Vaseline, thats the only thing that can cure cold sore.  

  3. There isn't much you can do now, but Peyton M is correct about the Valtrex.  The absolute best treatment for cold sores is a prescription medication in pill form called Valtrex.  It was intended for genital herpes, but cold sores are caused by the same family of viruses, and Valtrex stops colds sores in their tracks.  None of the other treatments come close to the effectiveness of Valtrex, not the ointment you mention and not Abreva or anything else.  Ask your doctor about it to see if you would be a good candidate for the meds.  My doctor prescribed it for me for cold sores about five years ago and after taking it only a couple of times I hardly ever get a cold sore any more, and I was having several attacks a year.  On the rare occasions that I do get one, it is gone almost immediately when I take the medication - in about a day.  Ask your doctor about it.

    In the meantime, here are a couple of informative links.

  4. Go to your doctor and ask for prescription Valtrex. I know it is a herpes medicine, but even if you just have cold sores it gets rid of the virus a long as you take it once everyday, starting the day that you first noticed to cold sore. As for portable cream, Novitra and Zorifax are both good and get rid of them really quickly. Zorifax is more expensive because it works better, and they are both prescription. Don't waste your money on Abreva, because it doesn't work. Make sure to keep your lips moist with chap-stick so you don't get them in the first place!!

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