
What do airport information screens show when a plane crashes ???

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I was just wondering, if a plane was expected at a major airport such as London Heathrow what would the airport inforamtion screens show if the plane crashed, they probably don't put 'Crashed'. Is there a special thing they do or what ?




  1. I have seen some that just say  "see Agent"....

  2. one would of imagined they would put enquire with airline on the screen and as they get the people meeting people off the unfortunate flight they would be taken away to a special room with the airline and met by police. Work for BA trained to deal with uneventualities such as incidents

  3. From what I've seen of TV news clips at the destination airport, "Cancelled", "Delayed", or as the others have said, "See airline". The recent BA flight that crashed at Heathrow recently showed "On runway" which was fairly accurate - just about!

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