
What do alpha males/females want and why aren't they happy with what everyone else gets?

by  |  earlier

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...I'm talking about people of course.




  1. Somebody has to want more or else rock shards would still be high-tech.

  2. Because we deserve the best and mean to have it.

  3. It's all about power, people can be driven by the desire for power after their first taste.

    The old phrase still stands up. Power Corrupts, and power absolute corrupts absolutely.

  4. Because they know that in order to become better than everyone else, they have to try for something that no one else wants.

    A lot more people are A-type than they realise.

  5. The need to strive... find approval... prove yourself. There's a hierarchy in most things... we're no different... just have a bigger pack to run with.

  6. they are natural born strivers & getter's,go- getter's & pace- setters with their fingers on the pulse.even in these harsh economic times,they know how to turn a shilling & spend it wisely!

  7. They want to be top of the heap.

    And the reason they arent satisfied with what everyone else gets is because they want more.

    And thank god some of them do or we would still be living in caves and being clubbed over the head by our men folk.

  8. they want to be the head person.... u know special, the best.

  9. It seems as though this is a generalized statement. The Alpha male and female may not even know they are the Alpha in the pack. They may see their success and so forth as joint efforts. What I have learned id the Alpha male or female is the leader of the "pack". The one that everyone else looks up to and depends on. They are smooth, strong and not necessarily strong in size but strong in the way they maneuver themselves in there situations. They want what they want and feel for whatever drives them they are gonna get it and usually do. As far as why are they happy with whatever everyone else gets? They know that some have to be on top and others somewhere else. That's just the way the world, human and animal, works. Survival of the fittest!!Being the alpha male/female is an innate ability to control who and what is around you. Pretty awesome if you use it for the good.

  10. um because everyone else goes home by themselves,and because alpha are socialites

  11. There are a couple confused people who answered your question. People who innovate aren't typically alpha. They are people who find a simpler way and a better way- these people are creative science types usually.

    When you say alpha do you mean people who are narcissistic? Narcistic people live very superficially and feel an intense need to have control or the best of something, because of their sense of entitlement.

    I am sad that there are narcissistics in the world.

  12. Most of all, they have a thirst for attention.  They want to be perceived as the best because deep down, they know that they're not.

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