
What do americans eat on a typical day?

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I have always wondered this because Im mexican and my typical day in eating is like chips beans sodas tortillas and etc please tell me i always wanted to know give me a couple examples pls thanks




  1. America has such a diverse culture that there is no such thing as typical. I.E.  In the south, grits are a staple for breakfast,  On the east coast the primary thing seems to be pastry of some kind.  Here in Wisconsin it's eggs , meat & toast.  I'm well traveled & breakfast is my favorite meal.  Personal favorites: sausage gravy over biscuits, corned beef hash, SOS or chipped beef in cream sauce with scrambled eggs.  Unless I'm in the southwest where I can get good mexican food then its eggs & refried beans with salsa.

  2. It seems that your diet sounds just as lousy as an American Diet.  Chips, sodas, and the like you must know is not good for you.  There is so much great Mexican food out there, it just bums me out when anyone goes the fast food route.  

  3. it varies from person to person. some eat healthy some don't. i can't tell you what exactly a typical person eats. i can't even tell you what i typically eat everyday cause it is usually different. i just try to eat healthy.

  4. I'm a college guy in Michigan. Here's what I have to eat in my kitchen:

    Food: cereal, oatmeal, eggs, hamburger, deli turkey, hot dogs, frozen pizza, frozen chicken, black beans, flour tortillas, tortilla chips, salsa con queso, mac and cheese, brown rice, bananas, apples, lettuce

    Snacks: Ritz toasted chips (kind of like crackers), ice cream, chocolate chip cookies, popcorn

    Drinks: water, Coke, coffee, orange juice, milk

    If I eat fast food, I usually get a cheeseburger and fries. If I go to a restaurant, it's usually Mexican, Italian, or Chinese.

    The U.S. is a very diverse place to live. Since there are so many different cultural influences, you can pretty much find whatever you want to eat in any mid-sized to large-sized city.

  5. im american.. and it varies.. everyday! the people who asnwered before me were right! :) all i know is i dont eat healthy.. but id like to start!

  6. We eat everything.  That's why we are all so fat.  No me, but geezus, there are some fat people in Chicago.

  7. For breakfast, most people eat cereal, but if they have the time and energy they might eat eggs and bacon or even pancakes.

    For lunch, many people (especially children) eat sandwiches; some people eat salad or something light.

    For dinner, there is a great variety, because this is usually the biggest meal of the day for most Americans. It could be any meat combined with any vegetable and any carbohydrate. It could also be pasta like spaghetti or lasagna, or hey, it could even be Mexican or Chinese food!

  8. I eat different things all the time. Some examples of my typical foods:

    breakfast: cereal (my favorite is blueberry frosted mini wheats), fruit, eggs, bacon, or yogurt

    lunch - sandwich, chips, cheese, veggies, soup, olives, pickles, etc.

    dinner - seafood and fish, salad, pasta or rice, poultry, veggies, steak, ham

    beverages: water, green tea, occasional soda

    Of course this is not all in one day, but these are foods I eat frequently. I don't know if this is typically American, but it's what I like.

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