
What do americans think of foreign exchange student?

by Guest56413  |  earlier

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do american kids get excited when a foreign exchange student from another country.. eg england comes to their school?

in england we get like EXCITEDDDD.. well we like to experience a different culture soo is this the same in the states?




  1. yes

  2. im english and live in america and they love my accent they are like say this and that lool

  3. I'm Australian and we get lot's of Japanese exchange students at my school, but they're not that big of a deal. We had one girl from Sweden a couple of years back who just fitted in with everyone perfectly- she was one of the crowd.

    But there was this English guy who did Tennis, andevery time he stuffed up the coach would make him say 'Bollocks' or some other 'English' term, lol.

  4. Naw, we just pawn off our troublemakers on unsuspecting countries and we put the students we get to work in sweat shops.LOL.

  5. You are very welcome here!

  6. When I was in school, my family hosted students from costa rica. That was pretty exciting.  I also went to costa rica as an exchange student.  It was one of the best times of my life.

    However, when the french students came to my school.  I barely noticed or cared they were here.

  7. Of coarse! I would love to meet someone from somewhere waayyy differant from where i come from its always exiting.

  8. For the most part, yes! We're always excited to meet foreign exchange students. But once we get to know them, its how they act that determines how popular they are.

    Like one guy from Italy is here and he keeps on getting really close and touching girls (and guys a little too) a lot...and its really getting on people's nerves! Apparently in Italy, its just the way people act. Just be aware of little things like that. Don't make anybody uncomfortable!

  9. ah yes

    i remember

    last year we had two students


    from Germany and Brazil...

    They joined our sucky soccer team

    nd we got 1st place in the school league!!

    nd they were really cool dudes

    too bad they had to go back :(

  10. It depends. People will usually be excited(maybe curious, excited is a bit extreme),  then one of three things will happen.

    1.The new student turns to be quite normal and nobody really pays much attention to the fact they are from a different country anymore.

    2. The new student is ridiculed for being different and is turned into the class outcast.

    3. The new student is interesting, friendly, likable, and fits in well with other students.

  11. eh depends on the student, spanish/ latin american accents are funny, so we love them, but we have a girl from thialand right now and she isn't too popular.

  12. Yes it's the same. They get asked ALOT of questions!!!

  13. i think it would be cool to see a foreign student.

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