
What do and don't you like about yourself?

by  |  earlier

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I DON'T like that: I have jealousy issues, I'm a bit obsessive, I hold grudges, I fall in love too easily, once your on my bad side it might be impossible to get off, I'm too trusting, I have low self-esteem, and even tho I hate stuck-up people I can sometimes be just like them.

I DO like that: I'm impulsive and reckless, I'm a hopeless romantic, I have way too much personality to be stuck here in Texas, I love love, I'm non-fragile, I'm sweet and soft (on the inside), I like kids, and music is my life. What about you? :)




  1. I think that we are twins separated at birth!  

  2. I DON"T like that : i'm obsessive, i'm jealous and i ruin things because of my stupid acts.

    I DO LIKE: that i'm loving, i'm caring, helpful, and funny

    i love myself

    i hate my insurcurities *sp?

  3. i don't like that I always demand perfection from myself even though its impossible! Then I beat myself up for not bring perfect later in several ways...

    I like that I have pretty good morals that I stick too. And I'm a pretty nice person!  

  4. you sound like a scorpio.. don't mind me i just read horoscopes cus i was bored >.< lol

    but yah

    i dont like that: i am shy sometimes :(, i hold grudges, i am really mean when i'm annoyed, i do not let things go, that i feel like **** some days then the next i feel like i'm the best lol, that my hair is short, and i am a procrastinator

    i do like that: i'm tall i can see over people haha, i have good first impressions of people, i'm creative, i speak my mind, i love art and other stuff i can't think


  5. I DON'T like that I am 387 pounds and hit the scale at morbidly obese. I don't liek that I have red hair that some people call V8 juice color. I don't like that I have large front teeth that hang over my jaw. I don't like that I have freckles and pimples and can't seem to get rid of them. I don't like that with being so obese my legs are only 2 feet in length.

    I DO like that I can bake a killer tasting turkey. I like taht my apple pies always win #1st place at the apple day festivals. I like that I can eat what I want and not worry about it. I like that I know how to make my own home made Pepsi and can have as much as I want for free.  

  6. I DON'T LIKE: That I'm short, blond, & ugly instead of tall, dark, &

    handsome,---my anger ( I want to physically change into the Werewolf

    instead of mentally ), hold grudges also but not all the time, & that I'm

    not a very good Christian, & that I'm not a helicopter pilot yet!

    I DO LIKE: That I followed my dad's footsteps & became a trucker, I am a Christian, I'm loving-kind-honest-sincere, mind my own business,

    don't bother others, don't cheat, that I'm a Colorado country boy, I like kids also, I like critters ( animals ), Music--country, gospel, 50's rock n

    roll, soft rock/easy listening, I can be good natured & friendly!

  7. i like that i have a unique style not many people have. i liek that i am creative. i like that i am a good judge of character most of the time. i am a free spirit and very unconventional. ilove that i am artsy. i love to have fun and i know how to have it. i can carry a conversation with most people. i can be wearing sweatpants and have messy hair but still manage to look a little s**y. mostly i jst liek how i am my own person. i know thats totaly cheesy and annoying but i like being different

    i dont like how it took me a while to be this way. i dont like my thighs or my hair line (it looks like im balding half the time)...shallow i know. i am shy at first and i intimidate easily. i am unmotivated when it comes to things that bore me. i want what i cant have i am stubborn and a total mess in every way.i can be judgemental but i try hard not to be. i have awful adhd that gets in the way of everything...i cant even read a page of a book without shifting twenty thousand times and drifting off. and incase you havnt a terrible speller!

    buttttt i am 17 and still creating myself and while were on the topic please please answer my quesion!;...

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